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435 · Dec 2014
Pull Me Back to the last weeks of summer
Where things were broken
But I was high off of the sun's rays
The ones from his smile.

Things weren't good

But they were pretty great.
424 · Oct 2014
Loving Hands Burn
I struggle writing poems of admiration
because every man has stung me
with his loving hand.
400 · Mar 2014
Our Own Little Valley
Do Not Look Down.

Just close your eyes and
Jump off of this cliff of hurt and despair.
Let us dissolve on our way into the depth.
Leaving only our hearts and souls to remain.
To intwine with the river's peace and the autumn's life.
We can leave the world for just a brief respite.
Together. Breathing for the first time in
What seems like an eternity of holding
Our breath. Smile together
In just our short period of perfect bliss.
Open your heart to the fall, because your
Faith and your Trust, will make you soon
Discover that you are flying away with me, into our valley.
Look over as we float, fly,into our valley.
Holding our hands tight. With Love. With
Fear. And as we land, softly in our serene
Glen, you'll glance over, and our
Hands are still wrapped tight, but the
Fear, is replaced with Wonder and Love.
And we grow together, in our little
Paradise. And there is only us. Melting away in our little valley.
378 · Aug 2014
Out of Tune
I can't write music,
I don't write lyrics.

My poetry doesn't sound like that.

My pen doesn't print words into chord formations,

Admittedly is frustrating because all I want to do is sing to you

But I cannot use a staff to frame my sentiments

And while I pride myself in the power of my pen,

I still dream of a world that I could tell a few words to whistle your tune

All day I dream of music,

Just a note to give to you.
369 · Dec 2014
As My Own
I wish I could swallow your pain as my own
But it's still trapped in the tear that is stuck in the back of your eye.
368 · Dec 2014
They tell you that love is light
but it’s your darkness that
keeps my heart beating
361 · Dec 2014
How To Feel
I was trying to teach you how to feel again,
But you just taught me how to be numb.
355 · Jan 2017
Insufficient Audience
She took my voice and split it in half
Found the the closest body and laid my
Template over someone else's chords,

So now,

When I roar laughter at good timing
She is fed only half of her fill

She looks away quickly
She turns away hungry
323 · Dec 2014
None of your venom will ever make me taste bitterness on my own lips
293 · Nov 2014
I know I love you
Because it hurts.
278 · Dec 2014
In and Out
Up at 2 AM
After hours of a sleep with no rest
Because even in my dreams
I can hear the absence of you

— The End —