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A distant cry
Such wounded knee
A searching soul
It's breaking me

A fading voice
Such broken heart
A shattered dream
Tears me apart

I'm not surprised
To hear that call
That distant cry
Your broken soul

Such aching days
Can you forget?
How would you live
Without regret?

You have to start
It's not the end
Move on and live
Forgive to mend

New hope is there
Just let it be
You will succeed
Go and you'll see

Forget the past
It's hard to do
But God is there
He'll guide you through.
He will guide you.
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
SG Holter
I have never thrown
A stone at two

I'm not without
Sin, this house
Is all glass

And besides, who
Needs to **** anything
To multitask
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
I wrote a story all in my head, a song and a poem I do dread
For it took me to place I don't want to see
Because it makes me feel loss and loneliness.
Letting my mind wonder to a place of beauty,
but in the end I watch tears of horror

I'm stuck today.
Nothing but a horrible disaster
I'm taking turns right then left
Searching for a little bit of sunlight

I won't be stuck tomorrow
I know.
But I'll grieve at my sadness just for today
I'll run inside my head
Moving all that's in my way
Running inside this mindless video game
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
like drawings on inked skin
the colors fade
as you get older
the days get younger
and the nights get colder
so hold your breath
as agony ripples through your body
don't reach out for sustenance or guidance  
because these photographs are all that's left
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
Youve been my most impossible possibility
Jeopardy of my accused love

You've been etched into my palm lines
But lost on the crossroads of dilemma

You've been whispering in steamed voices from my coffee
Just to be an unknown visibility

Love ,
Just be back before today settles
As forever into my wrinkles

Before I lay into satan's darkest cloak
Be back love ,
before the stars tear away
from the skies of my eyes.
Just be back .....

Love is a masked demon...
Sacrifice is one of its faces!
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
CM Cain
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
CM Cain
i'm drowning myself by accident,
the sea water, well it's to far deep my dear
and the people that are swimming around me
well - i'm just to afraid to ask for help
from sharks
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