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Morning Feb 2019
There was a time of Twos and Fours.
The Dawn of love blinded by naiveté, never to endure.
When a breach of confusion commenced the cold war.

Four, strained by antipathy, refused to vocalize.
Two with contrition that's finally realized.

There once was a time of Twos and Fours.
A time that passed but you can not ignore.
Now there will be zero, none, no more.
Morning Feb 2019
Vous êtes la douce lueur de l’Aube, comme elle scintille à travers l’herbe humide,
Comme des étoiles sous mes pieds.
C’est le paradis que je peux atteindre
Toujours avec toi, mon ange, à mes côtés.
Brushing up on my French and now I realize I'm almost back at square one. There is just so much I have forgotten.
Morning Feb 2018
A twisted gray glow
Almost seen
With grace, it swiftly moves with the breeze
Envelops your soul before you can clearly see

The fleeting love
From a Narcissistic Anomaly

A mist, Steam
Hot with acrimony
Slow boil of your heart
While rhetorical lacerations dice at the mind within
Thick, it laps at your stew
Jealousy          Pain           Sorrow
Delighting in all the accents that it brewed

A twisted gray glow
Almost seen
With one last cut to make sure you bleed
It swiftly leaves
Ignoring all your pleas

The fleeting love
From a Narcissistic Anomaly
  Feb 2018 Morning
Fox Friend
I'm just a bridge
that people use
to get to
  Feb 2018 Morning
People grieve in different ways
Some cry it all out and make a screen
Other let it go little by little
There are those who save it for a private moment
Not to be heard by anyone
They say their last goodbye on their own time and at their own pace
Not wanting to be seen by others
A cry so deep and filled with emotion
That there is not a sound in this world that could duplicate it.
Morning Feb 2018
Every morning I wake with the half-risen sun shining through
my blinds
It glistens beautifully off the tears streaming from my eyes

Every morning I wake, I remember the olden days
Just a boy crying for his lost balloon
With such a big imagination, it could have sent you to the moon

Oh how I would give anything to turn back time

Every morning, I'm mourning

Baby brother, I miss you.

       because   I
   w a s       SELFISH
          A N D
     r a n     a w a y

                                   Yo u          could
                                   H A V E  B E E N

            IF         OnlY           I
IN                                                  MY
   ­                  P L A C E

                                                              ­                                                                 ­             

              ­                                                                 ­                    I'm   sorry
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