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 Apr 2016 Sin
I used to wish for slits through my wrists and a hole in my skull, but when the blood would start to flow, I wouldn't learn anything I didn't already know, and the pain did not go, it only slowly continued to grow with each mark I left to show

I used to get into fights, screaming bouts against the wind and the sky, but when the words in my throat would finally run dry, I'd realize I had only been shouting in the hope of reaching the soul trapped behind my eyes, to free him from the denial that coated each of my lies
 Apr 2016 Sin
Jamie Lee
This Girl
 Apr 2016 Sin
Jamie Lee
So..there's this girl....
that I cannot avoid,
inside and out,
she is destroyed.

So, this girl...
I see everyday-
it's too difficult,
to live this way.

Sometimes, this girl,
comes close to danger;
igniting my temper-
this close stranger.

Sometimes..this girl...
just needs a friend,
someone to care,
not pretend.

Except, this girl...
doesn't make it easy,
always giving excuses-
big, little *****.

So, this girl...
a test of my patience,
making it harder;
we have no relations.
Copyright ©2016 Jamie Johnson
 Apr 2016 Sin
Phantom Poet
I thought,
I thought,
I was a special friend,
I thought,
I was the person to keep your secrets,
The rumours and the deepest,
I thought,
I was that one friend,
And be mates till the end,
What I did not think,
Was that one day I find the truth,
And I sink,
My life goes up in flames and soot,
I have been ripped out,
Of my roots,
Now I have changed,
My life has darkened,
I trust no one,
I care for no one,
And I certainly don't believe anyone,
And I follow the dark,
In my heart is a mark,
It came from your mouth,
Like a poisonous dart.
Something true (not related to me)
 Apr 2016 Sin
 Apr 2016 Sin
I don't know what to say other than ......

I wish
I could hold you tight
And that you'd hold me
In a cocoon of togetherness, spun of the strongest thread
Only to break as beauty forces itself out into the world
It's metamorphosis delicate, fragile
Exquisite in its simplicity

I wish
I could kiss you .......

(C) Pixievic
Nuff said!!
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