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 Dec 2015 Haruhi
Nate ere
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
Nate ere
I collect roses from up in her head
That is my sacred duty
Botanical gardens of thorn that I tread
To seek forgotten beauty

Stealing bouquets to lay under her bed
That she may find in the morning
She wonders why my hands are bloodied and red
I tell her, "My love, I've been working."
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
Samuel Hesed
I fell in love with a girl,
With no hope on my side.

I fell in love with a girl,
With twinkles in her eyes...
Copyright © 2015 Paul Forbes All Rights Reserved
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
Bianca Reyes
To her, silence was comforting, alcohol was numbing and loneliness was all consuming

She often times scared away her nightly slumber  
Her thoughts grew louder and more chaotic with every tick of the clock
She let her past mistakes consume her
Rummaged internally for answers to her actions that led her here
Lying on a mattress which sat on the carpet of a rundown apartment

To her, silence was comforting, alcohol was numbing and loneliness was all consuming

She kept eyes open all night looking and thinking and drinking
A lot of drinking to seize the thoughts that drowned her
She traveled back in her dormant state to find events she wished had happened differently Dreamt up memories where she never walked away
Or where she refrained from saying something in an outburst of anger
She was haunted by

To her, silence was comforting, alcohol was numbing and loneliness was all consuming

Her thoughts had begun to agitate her being Transforming her mind into a whirlwind of anger and helplessness
She sat up at the edge of her mattress with the palms pressed tightly against her eyes, shaking her head in a frenzy
Her hands migrated to her hair, gathering a hand full and pulling
Eyes stung with the tears that began to surface  She took hasty steps toward her counter in search of a bottle to console her for the night
The only thing that put an end to the chaos was

To her, silence was comforting, alcohol was numbing and loneliness was all consuming
 Dec 2015 Haruhi

A broken heart for Christmas
was waiting there for me
When I woke up this morning
underneath my Christmas tree

It's nothing that I wished for,
it wasn't on my list
That I sent off to Santa
but I ended up with this

I guess that I deserved it,
much naughtier than nice
And I am sure St. Nick has checked
his list much more than twice

A broken heart for Christmas
was all that I found here
That's why I'm thankful Christmas
only comes but once a year

Then I flipped it over
and I can not explain
The joy when I looked at the tag
and it was not my name

Santa made an error
I know this to be true
Because she wrote me yesterday
and told me "I love you"

Merry Christmas everyone!
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
Makenzie Robison
Hello My name is Belle
Which usually stands for beautiful in French
Nothing about me is beautiful
My body is fat
My hair to long
My eyes to wide
My mouth to narrow
My life to long

I have a adopted brother who shot up his school and himself
My mother shot herself
Now I live my two siblings and a father who doesn't want me
My life has been turned to a dump
Now I have a bump
It's on the back of my head
A bully gave it to me
It doesn't hurt
At least not anymore
I am sitting in class
My life was passing by in a blink of an eye
Yet all I had to show was two dead family members

I can dance at my house with a smile on my face
Though it's not really home
With its run down shutters and yellow trim
It's made of brick that is a ugly yellow brown
Kind of like my blond hair
Which says I am not apart of this browned hair family
My real mom went MIA
My entire life
She left me alone

I have more bruises
My pain is real
My mother told me that it is all to real
I am not supposed to be here
At least not anymore
I was always told to follow the lead
I have my lead

I packed a pistol in my bag
It's not noticeable
I smile every day
Except today it is just cruel
My eyes look at my targets
A teacher and three students
The third student looks at me
I stand in front a mirror

I walk into class with a big smile and light heart
For the first time in forever
I am truly happy
I glanced at my teacher
Then two of my friends
I pull out the pistol
And I shoot at the teacher
Then at my friends
I see blood splatter on the wall
I see blood on my dress
Oh well
My life will be complete

I will turn out just like my family
Broken and ****** and a bullet in my head
I know what I'm doing
My mother once said that life is what you want it to be
I want mine to be over
People say
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
I think suicide is the way to go
My family taught me that

Oh look the cops are coming through the door
Time for me to say goodbye
I have had my fun
Now its time to go
To this place
I call home
I put the gun up to my head and pull back the trigger
I hear
Click, Click, Click
The sound of almost there
Then I feel the bullet enter my head and I am no more
The news will love this
I get to be famous....
Me and my sister were working on this. I just wrote it so comment what you think...
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
You are a strike anywhere match.
But you have always burnt out much too fast -
Disappeared before I even had the chance to hold your glow.

You, with your beautiful flicker
out and in and in and out
of my life

You dear, sweet nothing.
Whispered passing in my bad ear
I could never quite make out your meaning.

You - filled to the brim with sulfur
with wood splinter
with flame -

You never answered my question.
Were you meant to burn out?
Or else ignite?
I literally wrote this while talking to myself in the bathroom, washing my face this morning. But I liked it well enough, so here it is.
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