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 Dec 2015 Haruhi
This struggle inside me
How it tears at my soul
Pulling me towards her
Like screams from a sword

While he stubbornly digs in
Always ready for a fight
Showing off her insecurities
With a masculine delight

But when they both collapse
Exhausted from the fight
A magical moment happens
And harmony resides

Her essence feels so strong
And it quickly flows within
But soon he will be back again
And another struggle will begin

by Lj Mark 2015
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
And I stand here waiting for all of your shadows..
Drunk on your sin and spite.
Powered by lightless souls..

I stand here and wait in your shade..
Sad shade darker than darkness..
Night bliss of the sunless day.

I can feel your thoughts and see your happiness..
It speaks of the darkest one never to be overthrown..
To cast a shadow over a star and become an expanse of endless void..

But its your presence alone..
Your presence lights the lantern in this endless night..
Your presence forces a light to be born in your endless weigh of darkness..

And so forth you come to me..
But are unable to push me away..
As I shine forth like a candle in a dark room..

I will be so bright in someone else's sky..
So bright so far away..
That when I do finally die I will still shine a million light years away..

A light that will shine even when it has flickered out..
To believe in something that is not there..
Will be all the light we will ever need.
Your night made my day
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
Ashley Nicole
You don't express love in the ways that I want you to,
But you express it in the ways that you know how.
You're not big on affection. For a while, I took it to heart , but that's just who you are. I just had to look closer.

Asking me about my day,
encouraging me with my studies,
telling me to be careful when it's foggy,
turning up the heater in the car
because you know my feet are always so cold,
making sure that I've eaten that day
and just looking out for me in general.

I love you too.
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
(In the kitchen
after eating oatmeal,
I spot a pen...)

I like this pen
because it's purple.

This may not seem
like a big deal,
but I used to not like purple
because everyone else did.
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
 Dec 2015 Haruhi
You are
The whisper of wind
That tickles my neck.
The music
That makes me dance.
The bird
That lands so close.
The rain
That soaks me to the bone.
The perfume
That brings me to tears.
The threadbare blanket
That keeps me warm.
The voice
That speaks through photos.
The song
That sings in my heart.
The memories
That are never far.
You are.
 Nov 2015 Haruhi
Tamera Pierce
A veteran
Missing his children
A gun blazing strong
Steel hats hiding what is really wrong
Fighting the devil
Or so we’re told
And we believe them
Until we get old
We salute and click our heels
And pray for their survival
Just before our meals
They fight for us
We love them forever
That was our deal
But now they are sleeping in gutters.
What happened to loving and honoring…
Our sisters and brothers?
Mother liberty is shaking her head
Because ***** the living
We only care for the dead
America, this is who we have become
But go, join the army
Trust me
Itll be fun.
sorry. I just get frustrated over how people treat veterans, but on veteran's day, they act like all they do is love for the veterans. where is your love when they are homeless?
 Nov 2015 Haruhi
Tamera Pierce
 Nov 2015 Haruhi
Tamera Pierce
this clock on the wall
is my worst enemy
ticking away at my sanity
my eyes linger over every hand
every number
it pretends to be my friend  
my partner in crime
but if it was,
I assume that I would have more time.
I am really bored and sitting in class dying.
 Nov 2015 Haruhi
Tamera Pierce
 Nov 2015 Haruhi
Tamera Pierce
is that too ****** of a word for a poet?
Is it a grease stain in a pool of beauty?
Does it drip like venom from a person's tongue?
Can it melt your being into bits and pieces?
Does it bring shame to the mind that birthed it?
Can such a simple word break a poem?
I actually would like if you left me a comment telling me. It would be interesting for me.
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