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Jul 2020 · 323
A wake-up call
Minuscule Ego Jul 2020
At 3 am my phone went blinking
Hello, I then awoke answering
Oh hello again, the voice went speaking
I know that tis been quite awhile
And I know that the world lies messy and wild
That its people are more shrewd at handling their affairs
That they all could be standing at their last
Some have even tried succumbing to their fears
For the rumours has deplete their times and their dimes

"Covid-19 is here - as the rumour goes
Keep your heads up and stay safe
Always wear a mask n' wash your hands as often as you can"
But who are those with the placards and the movements
The "Defund The Police" for the "Black Lives Matter"
They go about rambling in the slogans
Standing against racism and police brutality
Shouting and pointing their hurting fingers
Like they have something in the shadows to influence the decisions

Tear down the histories and give us back our heritage
Yet they are savages whenever it comes to rage
They demolish their in-depth cultures to fabricate their own
They even join hands to rip apart their mother's gown
Stealing her treasures, while hunting their brothers down
The illicit mining and their fraud disbursement
Bogus companies that betray our coalition of transparency
Yet they go about singing that life is full of uncertainties
Our black kinsmen have lost all securities
Such performance that mimic honesty, but a lie without bleach
Blacks against blacks, the truth in all certainties
When did darkness came in terms with the light?
That corrupt ones now go about singing for unity
That anything is possible; including our missing billions
Selfishness has allow men to do as they please
Lovers of themselves more than lover of God

Our mouth will speak of what the heart is full of
Lack of direction, not lack of time, that is our problem
Love and free-will has led many of us astray
Selfish men go about living for themselves
And the selfless ones are too few to kindle the fires
So who's torching the lamps - who is really kindling our lives?
Is it the "after I am done, then you do me too"?
The likes of top's and bottom or them verses
Striving young men are giving the choice to be burst open
Or be returned home empty and hungry
Hopeful maidens are entrusted to look after their own
Thus driving em to decisions that do not suit their dreams

If, as they say, that metal bars are for reforms
Then maybe, we all should do one for ourselves
To guard our souls from being indoctrinated as against our fellow human beings
Refuse complacency and refuse to be labeled
For there are no division for a whale
What her eyes sees, is exactly what she eats
We shouldn't be like sheep, following the herd ahead of us
Going where others go, not where we ought to go
I know we cannot befriend everyone, but we can choose to be kind

This is a wake up call for us all
For even if we say the truth don't matters
It will still stand out in its own merited squatters
Our daughters and sisters are been ***** without justice
Our sons and brothers are sodomised without mercy
Lawlessness has become the light of day
Mama is tired of hustling from her own purse
For papa is no more coming home with his black plastic bag
And the young men are no more blissful about their futures
So tell the mamas n' our papa's - the brothers and our sisters too
That a fish doesn't rot unless it starts from the head
So let them come together and rid us the real disease
The money driven beast that we pronounced king
Let us wake up Liberia, and let's shine together again
It is never late to take a turn

"When the king is concerned with justice, the nation will be strong, but when he is only concerned with money, he will ruin his country".
Happy Independence Day
Feb 2020 · 199
Lux in Tenebris
Minuscule Ego Feb 2020
I’ve seen better days, and I’ve seen worse
I don’t have everything I want, but I do have all I need
I woke up with some aches and pains, but I woke up
My life is far from perfect, but I’m truly blessed!
I’ll forever praise thee, my God
Thank you!

Such piece written by a friend
Miss Ye-hee Coleman, the lux in tenebris
Our iron lady – the giant among the men
Gracefully she had walked, through the pains and strives
Some days she fought, others she’d hoped to survive

I watched her smile between our geez and playful gestures
I saw her swearing at our quarrels and gleeful pleasures
But I also saw the darkness seeking to steal her light
I watched her struggle within this plight
I heard myself whispering: hold on babe, tis only a fright

I’ve seen better days, but I fathom the worse
I may not have all I need, but at least I can breathe
I woke up feeling as a failure, but now I see a light
My life may be far from perfect, but I am blessed
I live to see an angel; oh yes! She was one
I will forever remember thee, my darling, my friend and our light
Thank you for the chance to know you

Rest In Perfect Peace Dearest
The Darkness Must Not Steal Our Light. In memory of an angel: Miss Ye-hee Coleman
Minuscule Ego Nov 2019
Early every morning he rose
With hopes that the sky had given its rain
And the sun will bid him with its shiny grace
To save himself and who he knew he could gain
For life had devoured him, as rust would eat iron
And been conscious of death, he lies in readiness for
The demise – ready to curve out to the slips of lights
Departing the rays his sun had left behind; his actions
And bleeds: the subtle truths that is quite contrary
To greed, his selfless walk that is quiet in ways
Quite convergent as per his words and deeds
He lives his truths, not wishing for death

It might’ve took a lot, but all he need is
To find his peace from the dreadful of looks
Those eyes that are bend on decaying his dreams
The hands that have battled against his bountiful
The very figures he had sought to make proud
A shame – he’d succumbed to let them down
They had baited and waited for their catch
He smiled n’ watched em burn as a torch
For every man fights to make his strike
Each leaving his foes reeking in marks
So that they can tell the ready living
That the unskilled are left for dead

He pats himself alright at his heart
As those twin tears rolled down his eyes
As a child he used to think – that life is going
A little slow, that every day was another go by
That he would just work between his close ties
And let them think he’s unaware of the dealings
That he didn’t know about what they are doing
No one can read mind, so let’s keep it inside
Let us dazzle in this, he says; but at the end
Tis only the pain that controls him the most
This story: a poem that only he can tell
Sorry that he had to let you down

Always Reach Out In The Best Way You Can
Who I Am And Who I Want To Be Is Always A Connect.
Aug 2019 · 320
Sleeping with the enemy
Minuscule Ego Aug 2019
I don’t see anything wrong here! She yells
There’s nothing fumy about keeping this one
Nothing wrong with having love n’ him around
The only obsession is you and the lines you ring
There’s a bliss in this opening, so stop fuming it
Quit fighting it or be the one I’ll forever loathe
Have you ever want n’ needed a thing so bad
That at night you find it so damning to sleep
I’m just okay in his arms, n’ she turned in
Resentment and walked to her delights

He hiss n’ shook his mind at her mistake
As a stench of foul memories filled its wake
A man may be good and alive in the morning
But becomes unnoticed as the evening comes
So do not sacrifice yourself so much, he hissed
There is nothing else you can do or say, it insist
When this temptation bring in its extinguisher
The sourness of its lust will be bamboozling
It does not matter how sure she is, he says
The trick is as long as you know the truth
And who he really is; lest you say more
For the affairs of man is always a path
He follows. So fuel the painful urges

Grasp it till you can struggle no more
For life comes as a mirror; no matter how
Long a lie may live; the truth always reveals
For what’s a man without his potter; a broken
What is a mother without a son – heartbroken
But there’s a silver lining to every dark cloud
That if heavens took care of fools n’ drunks
They sure as hell qualified for both counts
That if he took to works n’ abhor his ways
Whose duty to ask why or even cry foul

Who’s the judge to have him cut down
Who has the right to read his sins aloud
Who? It kills him that passion he once felt
Now lies in broken shards – wounding him
Each time he tries to grab it again –  a soldier
His life,  he cannot have it as he wants it to be
A lone, so he just wanders alone in the crowd
As her delights struggle to keep his sun down
He does not answer em – he dare not to fight
He just go about n’ rise; defeating their gees
And their frowns; they live and yet few die
Some cave n’ drown their souls in lament
But he lives to tell a story, wisdom lives
To feed them his glories

Archimandrite Andreas
Jan 2019 · 1.5k
Upside Down & Unclaimed
Minuscule Ego Jan 2019
A price that’s in the men shoes
He’s unclaimed and well schooled
Act his rhymes n’ mimic his friend too
Make him understand our sweeter shoo
Blend to been online with his touchy tools
Then play him around n' bring him to us too
Wherein he'll crave more for our added duties
A pleasure to bend n' subdue his struggling pities
And so you try to get me for all the monies n' fame
Hoping that my heart do cringe to the gains and aims
For in most man’s heart lies some greed n' impurities
But that testimony was short-sighted n’ less accurate
Dunamis and poverty - a borrower, the lender's slave
An experience to fail my rapture; a shameful swing
Which my hands cannot say – an immoral beauty
Whom my lips can not welcome; the school
The teacher - the minister
A princess n’ a bling
A frog as a king
He’s handsome
By gender
She's beautiful
in slander
A prince
An offender
A princess
The slanderer
The princess and a king
A soldier n’ a fling - a queen who’s ashamed
The offer that topped the shelf of supreme

That's us, both upside down and unclaimed
A soldier n’ a queen - a coward, a shame
The prince and a fling
A miss
A glamor
A mister
An amour
With clamor
By hammers
A miss in a glamour
A mister in an amour
The minister and a king
The majestic of single shoes
Who's keen to sense a moral beauty
Who sees the world as an interesting chaff
Dominate n' commoners; a sense of duty that
All must claimed from their individual combat
For in most men heart, here lies love n’ cruelty
To flamed the hearts n’ dance to pains n’ strife
So I sought to seize the life of  love and Faith
To pursuit a walk of dreams n’ less blemish
Where little is important than odd duties
Like turn me around and teach me you
Teach me to see another man’s shoot
Make me enjoy that creepiness too
Shade my mind and my drink too
Cause I’m unclaimed n’ uncool
A vice that's in a male shoes
Stop using our women to lure us to you
Say No to Homosexuality in Liberia
Jan 2019 · 2.2k
Less than a Beast
Minuscule Ego Jan 2019
Dysfunction and happiness
Don’t usually go hand in hand
But that describes you and I story
The wise-man n’ Elle, a soldier n Simi
A bad-*** movie in a broken DVD player
More than ever our thoughts burn hateful
And deep in our souls, the will begets cold
Sealing us close and everything left to feel
An illusion of end that tarnishes our peace
Cleaner we walk and little by little we lied
We each run a race to attain the crown
I, the heir of Christopolis: a half man
A king with no kingdom – a danger
And you: heir of feline, an anger
A shy queen with no freedom

With no changes - so I ask myself
Is this a sample of psychological fraud
That people uses sensual relations n’ beliefs
To sway their cause to others; positive or not
Let us redeem your soul n’ gleam thou purpose
Sell me thou beauty for luxury n’ fame, she says
But the boy had his way with words: he opposed
Curiosity is dangerous n' assumption is powerful
Staring within her eyes with an abominable face
He turn n’ stormed away with grace n’ disbelief
Struggling not to outcry in compelling dismay
Twas nice to desire, but hers is not a proper
Piece of human sexuality; a noetic disorder
The lesbians and gays - the political tool
A change in the city, a proactive lie

That errs up as Satan - a musical fool
First he sings: “I bring peace and wealth”
Next they proclaimed: “It is a Human Right”
Another piece of the puzzle of human sexuality
But so the Book quotes – an abomination I hate
“No man shall have intimacy with another man”
Let’s not rearranged n’ be lost – it cost our health
For war is better than the choice of homosexuality
They know they are doom, so they tend to mislead
Some sit in shelters n' compose fraudulent grants
Lies, patriotism n’ tradition to keep society inline
For as long as they can, so afraid to lose control
But wealth and health must go hand in hand
For we are more of a lion than the least
Quite divine and above every beast
"How are you? 25? Okay, why are you not 60? Yep! Why are you not 60?

Age is as insignificant as Gender. That's why you can't magically change your age - you can't magically change your gender and you definitely can't magically change your ***.

Proof me wrong.
Say No To Homosexuality in Liberia
Dec 2018 · 1.6k
Bleeding chances
Minuscule Ego Dec 2018
Troubled, trouble again he felt
How could she tried to do such to him
How could she throw out all he ever ate up
When all he’s ever done was loved her till health
Oh he wish to fly a dreamer n’ say goodbye to it all
The stumbling and fights - the curses and the brawls
Theirs were none compare, but now, a finished ashes
A fire that burns and burned, n’ then flickered out
Leaving a wound that bleeds more gashes

Is his knight of shinning armor now a fraction
An embarrassment to the highest order - a madness
Does she see it in his eyes - though he'd tried to hide it
That the best things in life aren't free, so why get blown
Stay young and let the wheels keep spinning in motion
For easy beams of life are a glee - it all ends in a frown
Some in the graves and some the caves
Some in those cravings that end with AIDS
But you’ve trained to trample on scorpions and snakes
So where are your wits? My heart teased

Is she willing to stay? The brain bellows
Tis present, what's yesterday? my heart replies
And that of her mischievous plans? He echo slowly
A flunked! I suppose - I know she craved for tomorrow
That at times love isn’t prove by poems and presents only
Sometimes it has to be proven through pains and patience
But as for the incursion pain, that plan must not delude me
Not today, not forever. Indeed good and better suits us well
But the aim must not dethrone me; let’s it makes me a ******
For if one succeeds in turning a man from his manly posture
Not only do it loses his humanity, but it also earn him a killer
And yes! I see all the beautiful flowers up ahead

Mi lady in red (s2m) : oh she is bleeding out red
Redder than the sunset n' brighter than the black
We all have planned and all succumbed to its sorrows
But if one’s wise, they will realize there’s always tomorrow
Ours is right now, so swallow the pride and take my throne
Cherish the Prince and decorate his life with your flames
For good is better n’ bright and better is best n’ prettier
And the Boss n’ every other are only petted and petter
The perfect story: I bleeding you and you, only me
(s2m) : Oh! A dream come true

(s2m) : Break the rules n’ have a fun
Let’s loose ourselves and swing along
In a music that rules the day and all night long
But I refuse be a victim of saving someone’s mom
Most especially one who seems like she’s drowning
When in truth she’s not – when she’s acting n plotting
I ought not to be the next Lemuel that fails and felled
Hush! My heart spurned again, she’s all I want ever wanted!
Can’t you see how wide opened I am – I’m always wondering
Where does she? How I long to see the sun rise on her face
What is she doing? Is she okay or is there someone else?
Is someone loving her more: a guy or a girl I suppose
Does she get lost in their eyes too? Oh, it’s absurd
You and everyone versus me and everything
A logic bomb and Elle - a soldier and Simi
(smh) : Oh! A gleam that’s not true

So now I am standing on all men’s behalf
I guess it’s only me who’s saying: we are sorry mom
Sorry that we made a fool of ourselves and broke you
I’m sure we all prone to love you but it all went wrong
We fooled ourselves - we’ll get over her just like a song
But I can’t live that lie anymore - I be a fool to lose you
So again my heart bleeds: a change is all tis asking
The chance to rewrite all the cries and scars
That’s keeping you from a change.
There’s a danger in loving someone too much, but sometimes that’s just not enough.
Sep 2018 · 2.3k
Liberia: a transcendent lie
Minuscule Ego Sep 2018
We rave, and hailed, all hail the King
A lord who’s lowed, n’ yet, supreme
The savior of wars and of many greed
To govern and yield the land of the free
For tis clear he knows how we became
A root, and a leaf; let’s all hail the king!

This is Liberia!

A chest to aggress with hunger n’ thirst
That fruitfully enjoy climbing the rates
And faintly encourage pointing the worst
To soak n’ appraise the young's of the freed
Whose lost in the land of which they came
A branch, and a leaf; a transparent cry!

This is Liberia!

We rave, and hailed, we want the king
A man who’s loved, n’ yet, disesteem
The sculptor of deeds, and of many glee
To seize n’ dictate the land of undeveloped
For tis loud his assets are well developed
A leaf, and a root; let’s all boo the king!

This is Liberia!

A quest to possess the likeness of Christ
That truthfully enjoy the gees of versed
And skillfully encourage the act of digress
To juiced and yield off the land of the free
Fo tis clear he don’t know how we became
A leaf, and a branch; a transcendent lie!

This is Liberia!

Inspired by: Falz song- “This is Nigeria”
Childish Gambino Song- “This is America”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me”
"A king will remain in power as long as his rule is honest, just, and fair."
Proverbs 20:28
Jun 2018 · 2.5k
Minuscule Ego Jun 2018
A low moan escapes her lips as the ****** hits
She lay basking with a sated feeling
The coverings all wet from perspiration
Believe me, this isn't an infantile conversation
He placed light kisses on her bare shoulders
She felt how intense he was against her thighs
And heard the testosterone's fueled manly claims
That came as a whisper for a magical scene
She’d realize he was not solely hers
So she just cleaved to enjoy the moment
Leaning crabwise, he slide within her fountain
They both cried with anticipation
The highest form of their admiration
Heavens’ gates unfurl
Times seems to halt for a second
There could have been an explosion
But he paused, new position.

He has never been interested in a single relationship
At least not anymore- promiscuity suits him just fine
With her curvy body, pumped breast and his small statue
They tangle together- entrapped within their own tier
Some call him a ****, although they be circus jokes
He be content and blue ***** free- shining bright for all to see
Letting em live their judging lives
And make those mistakes they thought he would make
He has never seen himself going without the white packet scenario
It’s all about self-importance
One that leads easily to pandemonium
But being promiscuous was assuring
The less you give- the less hurt you receive
Life is short, but there’s much to achieve
One cannot be caught slacking
Those hands are clocking
Day and night without cessation
He’s no expert
But I’m sure you admire his aversion
And believe it or not
The better our efforts- the wetter our treasures
A promise that our goals will exceed the ****** pleasures
Seeing that our thoughts recreates the Today
Let me redefine the topic.

He thinks of her as a pineapple
Chipping off her cries to reach the fountain
Till she openly veto yes! in all excitement
As he plunged in the deep of her mountain
Screaming twas some lustful announcement
That mimic a sedative smile, and a softer groaning
Activating him to go wild again tearing her lotus
She cries! He moans: “I’m just teaching a lesson”
His manly locus was indeed a blessing
Its thrusting brought out the louder racing
Making em both bobbed like a drum set
Nobbling feelings begun shaping within his breast
His noble ****** was moving towards the heavens
They were climbing the unobtainable heights
That could make their explosion vast
And leave her screaming his name
Like forever admiring his fame
He’d hoped to have done enough
But will hate to get deeply involved
For promiscuity was the affliction
That diseased him ages ago
And it met him just fine.

For an icon- Wale
“We are not perfect beings; we all evolved from our mistakes to make a better one.”
Dec 2017 · 243
Minuscule Ego Dec 2017
You once asked
You have the light to fight the darkness
Why keep it hidden- why keep it suppressed
So I'm answering- I do so because the world is evil
That people we sole loved- would turn to stabbed us fast
Like Eddie- the ****** who made a day tearing down people
With a pretense that they won't react- that they will forgive all lies
And understand that deeds be made silent- that tis something civil
To prepare one a coffin and buy them a grave- Daredevils I call them
So I learned to enjoy being alone, n' runoff the words of perfect gleam
Like tis something too clean to dream- like I'm happy within this dirt

Although I live in this dirt
My mind is well clean- it is pure
As pure as drops falling from the sky
Or pool of tears raining from a hurtful eyes
For the world spurned me an incurable wound
And I appease I be gone, and bury deep within ground
But destiny plays in gamy- it spoke: speak n quit been afraid
You cannot conceal till my script reads in silence- turnaround
And let's play another game- let's play my game of disguise
Let's bend our heads, and pretend our prestige is lost
I know of a place belonging to us- somewhere across

Let's work to build a wall, a trench n' a drawbridge
To cover the liquid of our tears n' end this hurtful rage
For the rest we'll seek- won't be afraid to do some lurching
We'll do everything blind n' walk the street in common disguise
A guise of a friendship that makes us appear like an apparition
We all have pages we don't read loud- we learn n' developed
Forget and move on, for those troubles become a memory
And if they judge- destiny cried tis a blessing in disguise
When people asked, I say tis wisdom that isn't denied
For I was hoping for you- to find you in a disguise
Like the scene of Eddie's coming to America

I solely thought you couldn't see through the clouds of my disguise
But destiny played a cruel game on me- you saw the charade of Africa
And read between those lines of my lives and told of my hidden secret
The world has spurned you, why not ***** in her streams- they cried
"Do come into my arms and loose yourself in my dreams"- You said
With a disguise, you'd slipped through the cracks of my heart
And mold a throne of your own, so no one could unseat you
My heart is trapped- like a bird who's devoted to you
Oh! release me, so I made carry the stakes for you
For I'm in such hurry to see what happens
When a blessing meets a disguise
Love and the struggles between it
Nov 2017 · 322
Minuscule Ego Nov 2017
Knock, knock... I heard
Hello there...... she said
Hmm hello… I replied speechlessly
Who are you...? I regained reluctantly
Me! She answered. Oh I'm just a stranger
A stranger who's searching- who's seeking a rest
Somewhere I would belong, but somehow tis a quest
For I've walked and tugged through those happy dangers
But somehow they all came for the worth of my dangling dimes
Like the world we live in- is where we are groom to serve the dime
Or perhaps tis only me.... that I failed to erase those hurtful angers
No matter how much I tried- but somehow I wish a rest of my own
A place that stands with everything, but falls for nothing
An arms that wishes serve- but commands like a King
Are you..... [Silence]- Then she smiles
Leaving me again.... speechless

Dock and run! My mind screamed
Who is this? It suddenly exclaimed
Who's this.... stranger- who just broke our walls!
And walked right up the stairs- to the door of our heart
To cry with a master’s call that makes us feel- we’re in danger
  Do you know who she is? No! I answered- but I do know me!
I'm a ranger- I’m always running- always smiling n’ docking
For I’ve gallop with my trumpet, but haven't met the mile
The one that will play-out my little game of cunning's
And care enough for my team- thus passing our test
Our pretense of no dimes- till we can make the smiles
For we have war and tossed with pretty mimic angels
But they all went singing for the nickels and dimes
And care less for our steadied, but precious times
Yes! We need a rest of our own- but tis still okay
It’s still okay to remain speechless

Lock-in… I’m now seated at the window
With her last words still lingering on my mind
“A rest of my own- a kingdom that I can control
A throne to cherished, whenever there's war n cold
A hand that will protect- till our hearts can beat old
For there's history to make, so all the seas can be mild
And there's battles to win- that all smoke maybe gone  
A union that serves, but backed by the likes of a King
Who stands for everything, and falls for nothing"
A mudslide is in Freetown- my walls are down
A stranger cried croak, and they just tumbled down
Down the mountain went- like that of the Victorian falls
It stood against everything, but fell for something strange
A queen- who has humor immured within her walls
The stranger- who have made my nights
Feb 2017 · 325
Little by Little
Minuscule Ego Feb 2017
Little by little we've lied,
For the hopes and fears of worldly guess,
And the tendency of force that influences events,
Had questioned the drama of how high we swelled,
Too immature, too young, they had seem to implored,
For the memoirs of our last, had begot us only pains,
And the troubles of those past, had made us its prey,
For our void had filled, but hopes were cast to undo the spells,
That with the right bait, an animal will do whatever you want,
But our kisses and the cruel plans, wove it into a timely incident.

Little by little we felt the burn,
The need of grace that besought heavenly yes,
Those fires that begets no conditions or reasoning’s,
For the stormy clouds of our lives had claimed to cease,
And the shadows of those lies, have taught us a new song,
For whenever we toned with it, tis love we breathe out more
Like heavens have blessed us with its lasting, but noted peace,
And imaginary friends couldn't make the notes of what we sang,
For a rest have been found at last, somewhere we evidently belong,
But the fears of been sentence to perdition, still lingered at our feet.

Little by little you fought the depletion,
For the games of your mind had required slaying it,
And those pressures of our time just kept doubting it,
Oh! He's too **** good! Your fears explained in a fright,
Tis another fire!  Like those that gets snuffed up by the wind!
Look!  I'm dancing as a *****, like I'm actually living a dream!
Girls! Please help me give a fight, perhaps he will stay out less!
And that's when I bowed to give in to fear,
A part where I seem vex, as if I don't want to care,
But deep within tis still your name my tongue dare declared.

Little by little I fought the deletion,
For my mind had cease to travel those un-favored miles,
And my heart refused to cast the memories of your smiles,
For it would start a beat, like it was dancing to a plight,
Like why don't you stay for once; she's all you really need,
Give greatness a place to grow, and see if it turn out bless!
And that's when I come steering back in as a fool,
With a ****** that keep wreaking your screams!
Boy!  She's too **** good! I say under the delights,
This cannot be some desire, as those plays of the mind.

Little by little we've loved,
With sobs of tears between worldly guess,
For the ups and down of our little sneaking around,
Had somehow left us stained, and then breached our quest
But we didn't mind opening the box, for tis all the heart cries for,
Suddenly tis us in a brawl, like destiny made a call for a rebound,
Like a spell was cast to make our heart beats strong,
So as to allow us tackled all our frights and ills
And birth a breakthrough that will last at his will,
For to ignore what's growing, would be denying a miracle,
Yet they do not happen overnight, so be patient my love,
And little by little the world we seek will manifest.
Valentine poem
Aug 2016 · 352
Minuscule Ego Aug 2016
I felled, but you said
Get up and shift that ways,
Grow up and change that topic,
You got no flow, n’ you got no rhythms,
You have no dimes to climb my shoes list
So let’s hide em lies, and those so-called topics
You’re so not my type, so skip the passion stories
Stay more appropriate and quit being a monopolist.

Now as em words felled on soft ears, I stood idle for awhile
For my mind had void, like everything was deleted overnight
Like my life had stopped, as someone drowning in deep waters
And the air he breathes come short, when no tactics seem right,
How could I fight back, when all my guards have been scattered
What if I said, that I’m not surprise that you’d played my lines,
That I had vowed a straight path until you somehow dragged along
And turned that which matters the most, into your own sovereign run
That you started a war and rain enough hate, even when I did no wrong
What if I tell you that I’m cut deep, with no hopes of finding love again
That I now rest ****** red without a fight, but hopes that seems gray
And a mind that looks black, like the atmospheric world of the dead
What if I say I can’t live a lie, that a quiet slouch won’t stop the rain
That I am a great man, and grown men don’t praise those graves
For tis not a source of happiness, but rather a confined rest place.

What if I say the truth instead, with hopes that you don’t creep away,
That the dull mirrors of yours; that they be made clearer before your eyes
That my words might reach your conscience, and battle those walls of fears,
That your heart will rush through em vines, and search for me within the fights
That it might reserve its hatred and receive my sorry of reaching for your heart  
For I sometimes wish my heart would tear and let me leave that place
That it’s not the perfect thing, no matter how hard it wants it to be
That no one would say, it felt sorry for loving you.
If loving you was a mistake, then I'm sorry
Jun 2016 · 292
Questions and Answers
Minuscule Ego Jun 2016
You asked, why do I keep doing this,
Why do I keep bugging you like this,
Well, Isn't it obvious, that I'm mad for you,
That my thoughts are a mess because of you,
Even though you keep pushing me away,
And keep tearing my walls apart, I still love you,
And I'm proud to tell, that it might ring a bell

That although there's much darkness in this life,
There are also lights, and you are one of them
It might be blind, but my mind sees what it finds,
And my heart hoped to have peace within its lights,
But the more I seek, the more I've failed to fall in line
So now, my hands are writing these lines to you
They are saying, "you set my mind at bliss,
And haunt my dreams at night",
A light! I've heard em all shout
"Change thou thoughts, so I made change my mind"
Cause really, nobody else is worth thinking about,

But you keep asking, why do I keep doing this?
Why do I keep bugging you like this?
Well, shouldn't I be the one with the questions?
Why do you keep doing this, why are you like this?
Why are you making a sound man, a mad man?
Do you enjoy tearing him apart, like those tales of men?
Do you even know what makes a man, a man?
Can it fall on his cradles, the way his beginning starts?
Or is it something else, something much harder to describe?

You like asking questions, like every other woman,
You act as though you know something I don't,
And when I asked, you swear you don't
"Some questions really don't need an answer"
That really makes me mad, but I love you still,
So now, if you ever want to know
Why I do it, you might want
To read these lines all over
So many questions, yet one is an answer
Feb 2016 · 527
A tale of two HeartBreaks
Minuscule Ego Feb 2016
"I found the paradox,
That if you love until it hurts,
That there can be no more hurts,
Only more and more love".
Sure enough! Ma'am Teresa had said that
And I so believed that, twice in a row!
Twice I've stood and watched you pierce me
The first, I'm sure I froze and the words left me
Words that I had preached, over and over
They melted on my tongue, like butter in an oven
Sweetness! I had so swear. Let's continue to the making
Let's lick even if the tongue feels the burning
You had me going with some everlasting fantasy
And it kept my heart beating rapidly for many years
I could almost hear it in my ears like everyday
You showered me peace and kept smiles to my lips
Day in, day out you kept feeding me those clips,
Oh! We had loved like nothing could change us
But through it all we became the foremost strangers
Beastly and gentling we stood apart in frost anger's
Till your mates became weighty, they became a consent
And I had to face those demons, for I had nothing to spare
My heart felt the trouble, so my thoughts became different
My dreams of love had turned hopeless, so I couldn't care
For we no longer care enough to even give a pretty face
You had always been my fantasy, until you had me replaced
So now that the dream's all gone, it's  now time to face the reality
That you made a fool of me, as I stood in a blanked drowse
A heartbreak after a vow.

For the second, I'm sure it begun with the text fling
You had devilishly hunted me from the shadows
Heartily laughing, while your eyes said the best things
My heart somehow fell, but my mind kept to the worst flings
For you were so PHAT, and I was so BALE, it felt awkward
But you just kept blinking, like cunningly coming forward
So I started flirting, hoping I can deceive the coming arrow
But you kept beeping, till you devilishly gamed the back row
For with those lips and em eyes, we all found it hard to resist,
Some had tried and failed, yet more and more still persist
And you quickly nixed their idea, told each you had a friend
For me....... I knew what to say to make it all come to an end
But my thoughts had its way, 'tis the same old sin' it had rang
"Good things don't come easy",  I proudly sang
You just laughed, said you still wish us the best things
Oh! That got my wow! so at night I begun with the texting
Between those whirling moments, within those poetic rhythm's
A new song started in my system, my heart begun dancing Only you,
However, the Platters failed to breach the speaker; I couldn't say I care,
For the past held me as a prisoner, and you solely trusted no one
You so thought of all 'as sinners, you felt better playing the lone
Within those tenderness and fears, I just wished for only you
My heart falls double, but the thoughts speaks different
My dreams for love still's hopeful, and I'm sure it goes low
Be you heartless or not, I still dream for that happy place
You will always be my fantasy, until you fill me till aglow
So now that the vision's all done, it's now time to ace the reality
That you made a good of me, as I stood with a furrowed brows
A heartbreak for a wow.
Love is all that matters, you ought not be alone
Jan 2016 · 621
Not much, but true
Minuscule Ego Jan 2016
Liberians, US blenders
Always known to portray the best things
Yet are nothing like those other big lenders
But are always assume to hold the worst things
Is that the reason why they are always the big spenders
Always the ones to portrayed the best of the worst things.

"Liberians portray nothing to hold the big things."
Liberia- Tis not much, but tis wholeheartedly true.
Minuscule Ego Sep 2015
He curses, angered as hell,
She shrugs, ready to swell,
But then pretend to melt,
And put on a ****** of well,
A technique she so manages to pelt,
But he saw beyond this belt,
Her eyes dances with the usual rhythm of hurt,
But with her, love meant no worries
For there's no ornament for beauty like happiness,
Hers was this unimpeachable dirt,
A prideful youth, that's only strong to hurt,
But she knew he might tear under distress,
Drink til ****** to depress himself,
Then pull the plug to express himself,
But she love him under all those stress,
To his heart she had forcibly pressed,
Just enough to have it eventually seize,
Still he had kept to this filthy source,
But she cast out all excusable remorse
For her, there's no love without forgiveness
To err was human; to forgive..... That's Divine
Those who dream by light were mindful of things
That escape those who dreamed at night
For her, it was beyond this very light,
It couldn't be bittersweet without the fights,
She had loved him with a love more than nights,
Till it became sleepless nights and daily fights.

That was us,
Till we felt apart,
Our arms waving and our lives apart,
Distance befriended us,
Miles stretched between us and the joy of our hearts,
Hate came between me and the deed of my hands,
Then again it strike me hard upon the head,
That I vowed till death do us part,
But it wasn't death that did us part,
It was me, my choices that
Made everything stinks from the start
I played our hearts both ways,
I thoughtfully turned away,
Left you for those perilous games,
But your heart never went astray
It became broken, till betrayed,
Forgive me
For not knowing my wants,
For being so angry with you,
Let us rewrite this story,
I now know my wants,
That's to love and be loved solely by you
Come, live in my heart and pay no rent
Take your rightful place, you always meant
In truth, I need you because I love you
You made me want to change, likely repent
You never once mind the games I play
You handled them without delay
Casting each out with a gentle sway,
Till you broke my walls apart
And hit me softly upon the heart,
Till I wish we were never apart.....

My love story
Aug 2015 · 538
Where it all ends
Minuscule Ego Aug 2015
As we stood in the crowded pew,
I heard the good man speak,
He voiced of the believable unknown,
That the earth deem Nibiru's, displaying chaos,
And the universe stood observant, speechlessly stunned.
That which was foretold, no longer a dream,
A glimpse of the mystery, that high esteem.
That which we've imagined, than believed,
A Paradise promised,
Beyond what any of us ever dreamed,
Where it all ends.
When sleep shall consume us all not,
But we shall all be changed,
In a moment, in the twinkle of an eye,
At the last trump... the awakening sound
And the dead once again walked the ground.
To behold the King in all supreme.
As he comes to ferry his bride,
The faithful who abideth,
Soaring on wings, as the angels sings,
Now is the time to contemplate,
The halcyon of life, when the old becomes new,
Or the augury of death, where the ungodly perish twice,
The scene where it all ends.

Heaven and Hell is REAL
Jul 2015 · 650
Minuscule Ego Jul 2015
My Beloved
Had I given so much loved
To be hate with such cruelty
That the cries I gave for humanity
Now voice for discernment.
For you tis a matter of the sight
Not of the earnest faith
You've stripped me of his truths
Hallowed in the wrong, abandoned the right
Indeed beloved, you've mocked his wrath.

Oh Beloved,
You all wake with the I do
But continue to bed with the say so
Even with life coming as such
Weather left or the right
Up or down
You always had me as a church
Like seven and fourteenth we'd amend
With hopes that all makes that moment
Is that a high price to demand?

Oh beloved!
Ours had been more than just cries
But I gave the life as it applies
Though there's was much to bear
For you, I took it all with mortal ease,
Heed to what you hear
Those words you preached
Let it not be just a hunch
It endures forever
See how far you've reached
I've always been there
Even in the never.

Dearest beloved
Be like the birds
For no matter how high they flies
Weather beyond the skies
They always find a welcome home
For you tis my open arms
Your foremost dome
The sanctuary of extraterrestrial warmth
His supremacy, where you belong
For I am the Beloved
Your grace with the everlasting song.
Jul 2015 · 815
Minuscule Ego Jul 2015
As the sun blaze afloat,
She had accepted its heat, though not seeing the light,
While others had burned bright with the light,
She had perceived only the dark,
Even with her everyday quest,
Her memoir of struggling conquest,
She had conceived only the darkness
Though with her increased of enrichment
She had felt bewildered in all this blanket of nights,
Oh, she'd pray for a rest,
A port written of bless,
But as Daniel, they've withhold,
Her likes, they cry under the greed,
Option less, but the wait or the creed,
The choice to live according to decreed,
Or bend to their marks of greed,
But for her tis a no,
They ought to know,
Fate gonna reach their doors,
The happiness of the dew,
Had been known only to the few,
Enough! is enough
But remembered clockwise,
It said let there be light,
And there was a light for all,
Hers is just a nightfall,
Soon! The sun gonna greet her good morning,
And the moon will bid you good night,
So keep sermonizing the lies,
Be the greed with the dice,
Or the person you so portrayed,
She pray mercy upon your soul,
To gain a world and loose a soul,
Oh, she'd laughed you poor,
For not all road leads to happy endings,
Some lead to a dead end.
Inspired by a Liberian Hip hop Star
May 2015 · 511
The Lily
Minuscule Ego May 2015
All along 'til now
I've never seen that lily glowing with awe
Though the sun beams with each day dawning
I for one have never come across such radiance
Be it pure or that fragile
Tainted or unlikely fraud
I for one must face each boldly
Not to walk the walk daily
But to work the talk fairly
Life have always come with the even sin
It's the choice of each that gives the perfect scene
For with life there's nothing to spare
We only handled the results with care
Though the hates may reflect as the mirrors
We all should merely understand
Life always comes with the unwary errors
Only the every-readied can really withstand
We all have the choice to the everyday quest
You either let it rot or let it grow afresh
Or turn to other things and have no memory of such
Every experience, a new lecture

Like the tale of you and me
Whose drama I solely admire
With you in that zealous attire
And me acting out the desire
I couldn't wish for a latter alliance,
We had pounded the drum in all dalliance
But failed to make the perfect coherent sound
So they mistook the beat for an ordinary round
Being wanderers we must seek the better chances
Hence, we must be aware of the earthly changes
That they may strike with a wave of a stampede
Shaking every mountains like active volcanoes
Creating a windmilling inferno  
You 'n I willingly played the wonders
But to walk weak and floundered
Or leave those gates opened and unguarded
We couldn't get wasted or expended

With the years whisking by
We will await the coming flight,
The divine blissful light,
That inevitable right,
Each must achieved no matter the heightened plight,
To triumph, we dreamt that definite purpose,
A blend of capabilities and unsolved mysteries,
His own sent designed after his Adam, the inescapable plan
Our better claim, the give and take row
The lily, our gaiety blow
With you, we seek no big hysteresis,
But to be your equally created mystery
Though we are not close to the accomplishment,
We still inhabit a better environment
With you as the factual system,
We shall foresee beyond that of an icon,
For few yawning for something more than life,
Others eventually yield to the easy life,
We lived only to appease this test,
Allowing the grace to do the rest
Like every other system
A command for the timing
A time for everything
This lily, our map out life.
Minuscule Ego Apr 2015
There she rest upon the globe,
That height, yet much sorrows,
Her likes, they lay asleep,
Individually wrapped in neat little rows,
That awful blurb of pain,
Increases daily as we see the remains,
She pierces every heart,
Her power to consume, so unpredictable,
A mark of doom,
She spreads wherever she roams,
Affecting as much as they do stones,
An abomination for such a small home.

Our reformation , they claimed to soil,
The perfect distraction,
To divert all attention,
From the embezzling intentions,
Of those masked in white,
And their deceiving partners,
Those mistakenly clothed in black,
Yes, those that we believe to be true
It's unbelievable, but halfheartedly true.

Do they wish well for our being?
When they get richer, and we slump poorer,
Do they live in fear?
Or are they just the followers,
Where's the hope?
When our very blood turned white,
When their mess still petrified us,
Who's the real enemy?
Oh , Is she the real enemy?
Ebola in Liberia
Apr 2015 · 736
Broken wish
Minuscule Ego Apr 2015
My beloved, I dreamt a dream,
A bright silhouette, a perfect gleam,
My name, I heard you scream,
That deafening pitch, aroused me of my heavenly dream,
You kept sending out those booming invocation,
As an unwanted solo, it captured my attention,
It aroused those never ending intentions,
And left me with an unending lamentation,

I've loved you long enough,
Constantly watched from afar,
Knowing you were off limits,
I've loved you in secret,
It hasn't been that small,
I just couldn't dream it,
I had to tell it,
I'm not ashamed to admit it,

You were everything I ever wanted,
Those times together in a pack,
Left me with that increasing spark,
I fell for you much like a sack,
But you did for him in just a blink,
He stood taller, you felt bigger,
It made me stronger.

I bowed at night
Longing for a glow of light
A spark to lead me to you
But you turned the other way
Took a step away,
Cast out our salvation
Blamed me for the situation,
Then broke our association,
You just couldn't see beyond the imperfection,
My damnation.

I became heart broken,
It left me wary and marred 
Those hidden tears, I give as a token,
I'd fell for you in a minute
You shattered that in just a second
How I wished you could see me now?
Those ***** dreams are over
I'm all sober

But you still captured my mind
Your spark I've still intend to find
My daily measures of you are real
They are not those reflected in the mirrors
Or those of your faithless minions
It's far countless for their opinions,

You are all I've ever desire
My love for you has never expired
Time must've skipped fast
But it never did pass
Your memories still last
I've loved you 'til forever
For as long as I can remember
I just wish you dreamt it too.
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
Lyrical James,
Lyrical James,
So down to the nip,
Consumed to the tip,
His world ripped apart
Thus, shattering his heart.
Life can be mystical,
His image had been lyrical,
Successful in each pace,
Unique and ace,
It fell right in place.

Lyrical James,
Typical James,
Those devious games,
Left him displaced,
He felt so misplaced,
Far below grime,
He'd wished for a swing in time,
Where he'll be strong again,
When his merited cause was tall and plain,
Those lost days, he aches to regain.

Lyrical James,
Elegiacal James,
Again he sees her from a distance
He blew for a glance,
All he got was bounce,
Plus meaningful pounce,
Those festal days are long gone,
   He was now all alone.

Lyrical James
Mystical James,
He follows the box,
From sunrise 'til sunset,
Again he sees her smile,
So near, yet an unreachable mile,
Success she possesses
Enrichment she precedes,
His lyrical companion,
Now stands as a champion,
Thus deadly like a scorpion,
The dominion of the Eves,
Em devilish mimics angels, thieves…..

Lyrical James,
Beloved James,
The years whisk by,
His valiant bravery,
Now rested in a grave,
'Til sleep, he loved.
Mar 2015 · 591
Lyrical James
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
Lyrical James,
Lyrical James,
He thought he and Anna were a team,
A bond so tame,
It never required a name.
She was his dame,
And He, her aim,
A relation so natural,
Never at all brutal,
They rose from the same vine,
And fell in the same line,
Together they rest fine.
With his crimson flush,
And her infinite blush,
They may the perfect hush……
Lyrical James,
Troubled James,
so frustrated and passed out,
His dream world has caved in.
That dreadful loss
Of someone so just,
Broke his trust,
Her name, they mention,
That height...the long vision,
Now lies with an unsound notion.
He’s being dealt with,
Where are his wits?
Could he summon them now?
He’d wished for a heavenly dew,
A shadow, where he could bask and reason,
To seek a better lesson,
For the coming seasons,
His curse, he now sees as a blessing.
Mar 2015 · 487
My lonely love
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
Why are you always afraid?
Too mute and alarmed,
Too wary to let out your enrage mind.
I understand,
You are fragile,
Too delicate for the world,
But I love you,
Loved you,
Always will,
I will always be your tilt,
To shield you from the stings of the earth.
Ours is not a common math,
Nor is it a general physics,
It's more like a chemistry,
For it has always been high,
Always on a smooth rate,
I've always being a cool mate,
Yet, too ***** to be claimed.
But I have a good heart,
It's my character that gets me out of bed,
Commitment that puts me into action,
Discipline that enables me to follow through,
People ought to applause my name,
I see no reason to hate fame,
My dreams are all globe,
Even though each is built on a narrow scope.
Since my voyage,
There's been a withheld rage,
I've changed,
You need to adjust,
You know I’m canny to trust,
It's not a must,
But I believe we need to halt,
We are going way too fast,
Life isn't all about us,
I’m pinned down,
You need to grow up,
It would be best if we part,
But I can never break your heart.
I wouldn't say it's a failure,
It's more like a lecture,
One, we both failed.
Lately, I don't see you much,
Seeing you blue makes me breaks
My passion awakens,
I'm reminded,
My undying feeling reveals,
Those uncertain thoughts,
I’m in a tight spot,
You've always been my lonely love,
I've murdered our love,
Squeezed you in a cove,
Left you bleeding for love,
For that, I’m sorry,
I’m always sorry,
I’m indeed phony,
There's no need to pursue agony,
Those mistakes are done for
I love you,
I've always loved you,
It's just a blow,
Let it be our wow,
Let's curled up in a 69,
Perhaps in a sauna,
Or maybe the toilet seat,
I guess that's your favorite,
It rest in my memory,
I've always been your armory,
My love for you is undying,
Let me your Lion,
And you my icon,
There's no need to part,
You are always a part of me,
A piece I cannot shave off,
This foreplay thing is tiring,
I am not a king,
Neither a true prince
So see me not as Prince,
Rather Tony Stark,
And you: My Kitty,
We were mean to be,
You are my lonely love.
a letter to someone dear
Mar 2015 · 1000
Mother: My pride
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
A son's pride,
Though her ego is minuscule,
And her lineage proves negative
Nevertheless, her thoughts are always positive.
She's a bridge over trouble water,
An ice in my muddy water,
My pride,
A delight within my heart.
Mar 2015 · 693
High life
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
It’s 4:20
I’m with my B bros,
Blunt and ****
Faded as hell,
High life.
Its nightfall,
I’m popping up em bottles,
Inhaling the good *****,
Exhaling the *******,
Floating ocean high,
People say it’s a crutch,
Well, crutches help people walk,
I can’t erase it,
I can’t stop it,
No one to blame,
Life is meant to be lived,
100% agreeable,
Don’t judge me,
It’s my choice,
Hope they understand,
Let em fools talk,
Talk is free,
Experience is what you get,
When you don’t stop trying,
Life is full of imperfections,
There’s no other way to be perfect,
Hold on, wait a minute,
I see *** holes,
They aren't playing any roles,
Veins are pumping,
Eyes are dilated,
Anxieties are high on the level
Modesties, lofty on the average,
One shouldn't be afraid to be different.
Mar 2015 · 411
Forgotten man
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
As I viewed through my past,
I caught a glimpse towards my present,
Like a flash it came,
But it felt like a game,
A match we played much too long.
See, I remembered all too well,
It cannot be a lonely spell,
Those times when we'd embrace,
I did go to that far away place,
Every time we'd walked hand in hand,
I was in a never never land,
Whenever I had to look into your eyes,
I got the butterflies,
Each time our eyes met,
My heart skipped a beat,
My mind went bliss,
Like I've been kiss.
See, I understand our position well,
We can never be more than just friends,
But all hope has not burst,
Though you never stop being shy stunner,
And I a tough cookie,
I will always have you on my mind,
Your face will be all it will find,
I will like being the forgotten man,
Those average like- minded type,
I'll keep you in prayers every day,
For I know it will work out some day,
Nosy figures won’t understand these feelings,
Those bizarre moments that had left me singing,
You will always be my one and true friend,
And I will always be your forgotten man.
Letter to a Friend
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
The rising sun
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
Oh sweet land of liberty,
Land of milk and honey,
The rising sun,
The sun among nations,
Let your light so shine among us,
Oh beloved land of the free,
Shine bright for all to see,
Be cherished and gratify.
The rising sun,
Let your true colors emits independently,
Donating its own truth among us,
Burn bright, stand brave,
Lament no more, arise,
Change has come,
Brighten our cave,
Emits your rays,
Elevate us all,
Be that nation among nations
Oh mama Liberia,
You are the rising sun.
Mar 2015 · 412
Trouble waters
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
Life is like an ocean,
Stormy at times,
But calm in the depths,
I would say trouble waters.
Life is like a rocking boat,
Wherein it’s captain struggle to steer,
Brave ones survives,
Courageous ones lives,
I would say power steering.
Trouble waters,
Life normal channel
A route for H mammals,
It’s no white chapel,
But black and white,
Trouble waters,
Life got no reminders,
It’s like a loose trouser,
Yet in a margin,
You either dive in it,
Or be ready to drown.
Mar 2015 · 528
Minuscule Ego Mar 2015
Though every bad thing happen for a reason,
I still find mine coming every season,
Enjoyment is like the moon,
But it goes away too soon,
I was the best,
Now I’m the worst,
My digression,
My deviation,
It’s my sin,
It can’t be seen,
But it’s there inside,
I’m 2 Face,
I can’t race from it,
I can’t beat my fears,
Nor keep my tears,
My digression,
My deviation,
It's all I vision,
Life seems meaningless,
I’ve been careless,
I couldn’t see the distance I created,
Now I’ve generated,
It’s my departure,
I’m been set aside.
New here..... It's my first ever

— The End —