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 Sep 2021 Mel
Sophia L
No apology
 Sep 2021 Mel
Sophia L
I love myself more.
 Sep 2021 Mel
You’re bad for my mental health.
And that’s all I can say.
 Sep 2021 Mel
Mary Anne Norton
You're a poem
Within a poem
Sometimes hidden
Deep within
Other times
Ready to
Ready to share
Ready to keep
To hold deep
Or release
To the Universe
Only time can
When to
Just words that happened
 Sep 2021 Mel
Salmabanu Hatim
 Sep 2021 Mel
Salmabanu Hatim
His broken heart was a kaleidoscope,
Through which he still saw his love as colourful with possibilities.
 Sep 2021 Mel
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Time goes by
And I miss you

Just like me
The flowers grew
But soon they wilted
Just like you

You were sweet
This I knew
Like an addiction
I loved you

Now the roses are dead
The violets are too
The garden's all gone
And so are you

Your flowers died
I did too
Because all along
I was you
I wrote this a while ago when I had a crush on someone and it was literally crushing me. This is pretty metaphorical, but it also has a bit of literal meaning. It's a mixture of my feelings towards the person I liked and how I felt towards myself at the time.
 Sep 2021 Mel
Zack Ripley
I'm trying to find a girl. She hides behind tears that no one sees her cry. I think she's trapped under a mountain of insecurities and lies people have told her. If you find her, can you tell her she's loved. Wanted. Can you help her understand she's not a burden if she wants to talk to someone?
 Sep 2021 Mel
 Sep 2021 Mel
When i hear your voice...
I feel disgust and comfort
When i see you i crave attention from you, and want to asphyxiate you.
We're here, always looking for new ways to hurt each other.
Twist and turns to leave each other.
I cannot live with you
But I'd die without you.
I am toxic, and you absorb every bit of it.
In return, you become toxic too.

#love is lonely
 Sep 2021 Mel
i have little kitten he just loves to grin
as i stroke his fur underneath his chin

he begins to purr as peaceful as can be
i can see him smile as he looks at me.

then he falls asleep while sat upon my knee
to his land of smiles with his life so free
 Sep 2021 Mel
Always puts them above
I will still  play pretend
We tend to accept love
That we think we deserve
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