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  Jun 2018 Babylyn
Nishu Mathur
The sea is still today
It's cerulean blue and gold
I think of the thoughts it carries
Within its hidden folds.
Its touch is soft and gentle
It soothes the ache of years
But I wonder how many waves
Are made from fallen tears.
Dear everyone,

This is such a surprise! Thank you all for your likes, loves and responses. I have not been very active on Hello Poetry, but will get back in action soon. So much appreciated. Thank you Hello Poetry for selecting this as a daily. Thank you so much my friends and fellow poets for taking the time to read this poem of mine. It means the world to me.  Love to everyone **
  Jun 2018 Babylyn
i watch you watch her
i hear you compliment her
i walk beside you as you hold hands with her
i see the way you smile when you talk to her
i see that little sparkle that’s in your eye get a little brighter when she enters the room
i wish you saw me the way you used to
i wish i was still the one who makes you smile like that.
i wish i was the one who made that subtle but oh so distinctive sparkle in your eye get brighter
after all, i am the only one who notices it.
after all i am the one who was always and is still here for you through anything.
after all i am the one who will stick around
after all i am the one who will never be able to look at you in any other way than perfect
after all i am the one who will always look for you in a crowded room.
after all i am the one who is sure about how i feel and what i want and well,
what i want
is you
about a someone
  May 2018 Babylyn
When a *******
Is in love
He doesn’t know it
He unknowingly
Plays his game in clay
Swiftly in his smartness
He misses the path “don’t love”
His fatal fall into a quicksand
Yet, he doesn’t know it
He thinks he is moving
But ******* has sunk half body
His phone rung until death comes
He would’nt answer till he ****
He is busy with another
And the others will still call
He’s got a new phone line
Thinking it means a new life
He keeps dialing  +234  
This time not caring about ****
******* sleeps in her dreams
With his eyes open
He says to himself
She is mean
*******! You were brutal to love
You cut off her wings
And let that dove not fly
Should you be proud
That today
Love grew up a hawk  
If you won’t accept her a dove
you will have to deal with this Hawk
When a ******* falls in love
He falls with hawkish wings cut
Deep down he would fall
To the bottomless pit
To a land of no return
When love plays a *******
He becomes the game
And love is doing the play
So if you are a *******
Take your time before night
Love will come in due time

Don’t ask me if that ******* was me
Babylyn Nov 2016
Don't hate the man
for being black
No he doesn't steal.
Like you,
he works
day or night
to provide himself a meal.

Don't hate the man
for being white
He's just nice as you.
He has his job
and has his friends
to whom he remains so true.

Don't hate the man
for being Muslim
and is praying
to his God.
For he does no harm
to anybody,
and isn't at all bad.

Don't hate the man
for being Christian
and is attending
their mass.
He's being thankful
of whatever he's had
and of
whatever he still has.

Don't mock the man
who lost his leg
and could
not run as fast.
For he still has
his heart as whole
who is capable to love.

Don't hate the man
Don't hate the girl
or anyone you see.
For everyone
desires to be loved
even you and me
  Mar 2016 Babylyn
Say we'll dance with gypsies,
Even if its a lie
Tell me that we'll stand on a river bank,
And watch the otters play by

Say we'll lay in a golden hay field,
In the spring month of May
Whispering sweet sonnets,
Till our voices fade away

Tell me that someday we'll parachute,
Out of a soaring plane
Say you'll love me always,
Till the universe goes insane

Tell me someday we'll make love,
On a white sanded beach
Say you'll stay beside me,
Forever in my reach

Say we'll lay on a blanket,
Staring up at the stars and moon
Tell me these dreams will last forever,
That they won't end so soon

Please, tell me one last, beautiful lie,
I promise I'll believe
Tell me that you love me,
And my embrace, you'll never leave
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