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  Mar 2016 Babylyn
Saloni mann
Do not discover yourself ,your abilities only because they want you to!
The society wants you to!
Explore yourself because you are precious!
Just the way you are!
You are a beautiful piece of art!
Explore yourself,if it makes you happy!
Explore yourself, if it helps you grow.
It is important for you!
Not for them.
In the end, people will talk about you ,you can't stop them!
All You can control is that that whether it is appreciation or hatred!
  Mar 2016 Babylyn
Exhale Your Mind
If you ask me how my mind works,

I would have no words to define
No poems that can describe
You would have to step inside

My mind is a maze.
Guided by maps of conversations
Lost between walls of questionmarks

If you ask me how my mind works,

I would invite you in.
But there's no guarantee you'll find your way out.
Bon voyage.
Babylyn Mar 2016
If we became friends
I'll help you hide the body
Then we'll have some beer
That's what friends are for, right?
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