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 Sep 2015 Mallow
Cornered by two-faced,
Three-faced, uncountable-faced,
No-faced monsters-
The so-called confidantes,
Well-wishers and friends,
Who deep down are back-stabbing fiends-
I put up a brave face,
And try to take them on,
With a true face, my only face.
I will hold my own
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Meghan Makenzie
Tattered and torn,
Old, and quite worn.
She lives in the street,
No shoes on her feet.

They call her "Old Hag",
Her clothes, but a rag.
Children throw stones,
Never leave her alone.

But somehow she thrives,
Lest her will to survive.
Despite her poor health,
And absence of wealth.

She sleeps where she's able,
Park benches, old tables,
Eats food from trash cans,
Her bathroom-- A bedpan.

Seeks shelter from rain,
Most often in vain.
Finds warmth in the winter,
From restaurant air-venters.

She smiles at the sun,
Gives birds half her crumbs,
Has only three teeth,
To chew what she eats.

And each night she does pray,
To see a new day.
Before she closes her eyes,
And quietly dies...
SJ Sinister
 Sep 2015 Mallow
 Sep 2015 Mallow
do you hear the cries out there
         some will drown
in darkness
it was leave or die
so pay the man the fare

no air
dead in a container
for a refugee
there is no fair

country torn apart
cities razed
if it were us instead
how would we fare
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Dreams of Sepia
Feel the psychedelic beat
it makes me complete
gives a lazy Sunday
a new kind of heat

hate  ol' Sunday
no good 'xcept for gin & old ladies
but now there's
this psychedelic beat

give it to me, Momma
sock it to me, Pappa
let me feel the heat
of this psychedelic beat

turning the world
into acid rainbows
I just discovered a new band - The Sound Defects.
 Sep 2015 Mallow
 Sep 2015 Mallow
Amazing how your words dictate
My soul and body to chaos
Every crime and every kindness
You just ignore my happiness

I felt a deep hole in my chest
How can I put my heart to rest
This emotions I can’t escape
This love a terrible mistake

I turned around and walk away
I hate this i don’t want to stay
This feels like the first rain of May
And the cold season starts to play

This love so cold like winter breeze
Last year, like winter in Venice
“I love you”  more than songs can say
But can’t run after yesterday

My breaking heart and i agree,
That you and i could never be
I make easier for people to leave
By making them hate me a little
There’s nothing good about goodnight
When it means goodbye..
So with my sorry… I kiss you goodnight.
caught you in the arms of another
I've been dying everyday since then..
 Sep 2015 Mallow
It started as a gnawing
in my stomach- not
butterflies of love
but the anticipation
of flirting with death.

There after, I'd race cars
down empty streets and
sing louder than the speakers
overpowering blue and red
sirens behind me.

Liquor rolled down my throat
like dice on the gambling table
the first time I bet my luck and
held your hand.

Midnight's like those were the
times when the barrels of loaded
guns seemed as tempting
as the sweet kiss of your lips.
When in moonlight her tide swells
the river dances to the temple bells
mounts the ghat kissing in lust
moans aloud in the wind’s gust
it’s then the moon lifts her veil
entwines her makes love at will.
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