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 Sep 2017 Matt
new new
 Sep 2017 Matt
explore me softly
with pruned fingers, after a bath
trace my veins, blue eyelids
purple tinted lips
bite my chest, skin
press the bruises on my knees
explore me intensely
explore me at all
we are still strangers, and i am wondering if i will ever become familiar to myself
but i will trace your bones with my tongue
and enjoy the gentle aggressive soft hard touch of familiarity that i've never known
 Sep 2017 Matt
Rosa Lía Elías
and make time
for the things you love,
or the things you love
will stop
making time for
a short, but very necessary, reminder.
 Sep 2017 Matt
how better
to spend the day while
she sleeps peacefully
but listening to music

the Beatles
in particularly.
Catching a glimpse

of her beautiful
does she dream of me

when I hear
Good Day Sunshine
I ache

to wake her up
 Sep 2017 Matt
morning glory
you keep saying that i've changed.
i know,
these bones don't feel quite the same.
so many different versions
of me have passed by you.
always afraid; always so alone.
our souls have intertwined
so many times
and we don't even know it.
but i know in every variant of myself
i have loved you.
based off the song same soul by pvris
 Aug 2017 Matt
Abigail Card
there are people
who make my cheeks hurt
with smiling

there are people
who carve the smiles
out of my cheeks
and eat them
with a side of salad
 Aug 2017 Matt
JR Potts
I want to fill my days with you
the way I fill my mug in the morning
with coffee

my passenger seat is full
of empty bottles in the shape of a conversation
we need to have

because that seat used to be yours
and this boat has gotten harder to captain
without a navigator

I can’t read the stars like you
even with the telescope you gave me,
I lack your patience

except for that night on Outer Beach
when we laid on the roof of my car to watch
the evening blue turn black

it started slow but soon the night sky
was consumed by the shine of a billion lights,
some over a million years away

but today I’m staring at an empty closet
draped in naked hangers where your clothes
once hung

somedays I still catch a whiff of you
the smell of your shampoo on my pillow case
I should have washed it by now

I know I am not a perfect man
and I need not remind you of every flaw
but I find it easier to be a better one

with you here...
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