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 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
Ray Ross
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
Ray Ross
i could never go to war.
i could never shoot, or help someone who will.
those soldiers on the other side, are just like me.
their mothers cry, i can almost hear it.
their best friend will never hear their laugh.
their room lay empty, an unused bed,
dust-covered books they never read.
young men go off, **** other young men.
if you're very lucky, you'll see your son again.
i could never go to war.
my grandfather narrowly avoided the draft,
he was a teacher.
his high school friend got expelled,
and within a week,
he was dead.
his mother cried.
he was nothing but a name on a plaque,
and barely that.
i could never go to war.
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
Ray Ross
Tonight my parents were out of town.
I didn't have a party,
I didn't do drugs,
I made soup and washed dishes,
My brother went to bed.
I headed upstairs,
My parents' door was unlocked,
And I just,
walked in.
I don't know what I was looking for,
I just was looking,
I knew I shouldn't,
But if there was anything that could tell me,
Anything I could learn,
About them,
Any way to be closer.

I found old love notes in a box
Hidden under my dad's socks,
And the box my brother used to propose
To the woman who broke his heart.

I found old photos,
Ones I hadn't seen in years,
I wished I could be their kid again,
It was so much easier then.

I knew I should go, but I found something else,
A necklace in a gold paper case,
I put it on, and it felt like my mom.
Sturdy, and heavy, but elegant, and beautiful.

I left everything as it was found,
I never meant to invade,
But there's too much privacy,
Too many things unsaid.
I guess I just wanted to know.
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
Ray Ross
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
Ray Ross
He stands at the precipice of their design,
Losing something in the night air.
The edge by which he stands is still and cold.

My ribcage hurts but I don’t want to admit it.
It just feels so nice.
To have a flat chest.
To be a boy.
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
let me be
your cigarette

so I could
your lips

let me be
your addiction

that you could never
to quit
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
tell me my name
yell it
scream it from the rooftops
remind me i'm human
remind me i'm not the monster they say

tell me my name
say it as you hold me close at night;
when you pin me to the wall,
whisper it in my ear

don't call me your boyfriend
don't call me your dear
call me my name
because not enough people call me by my name and dysphoria is evil.  it's just some friends and teachers at school.
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
Ray Ross
I'm afraid of myself
I'm afraid of myself
I'm afraid of myself
I'm afraid of what I used to be
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
Ray Ross
When we are old,
And my legs are too weak
To twirl for you,
And my cheeks are wrinkled
From laughing with you,
And my hands are rough,
From the tools I've used,
And my memory is fading,
From the damages of age,
And your arms are too weak
To toss me into the lake,
And your eyes are yellowed a bit,
From the nights we stayed up drinking,
And your voice is raspy,
From talking for hours upon years,
I will still be in love with you.
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
Ray Ross
I look at my chest the way I'd look at a wound
I know it's a part of me,
I know it's there,
But it feels temporary,
And a little gross,
Like when I sliced my thumb
On glass at 1am.
My binder is a bandage
And it's hard to take it off,
Because I feel the wound open up,
And my back hurts from wearing the bandage,
But it's so much better than
Seeing where my skin splits in two
 Nov 2018 Ruby Payberg
to me,
you are
an art

                              to you,
                              I was
                              a tragedy
you still remain, and will always be
a fine piece of art
to me.
// edit: thank you for having this in the daily. ♡
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