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 Dec 2014 Lunatide
Brent Hunter
As I fade into the night my love for you is an amazing device. I'm you ! As you are me.I smell you and hear your soft voice,I love you today ,Tomorrow and as long as I breathe you will forever hold the key..
 Dec 2014 Lunatide
 Dec 2014 Lunatide
And my mind cannot begin to fathom
All the things that are different

And my heart cannot begin to feel better
After the way you have made me feel

Wind blows through the trees
Through the flowers
Swirling leaves

And my mind cannot forget you
And my heart cannot stop loving you
Trash, 29 March 2013
 Dec 2014 Lunatide
Harley Hucof
Magnetic eyes revealing her dark soul
Mysterious mind with secrets to unfold

Abandoned creature wandering the desert
Psychic intuitions make her a beautiful predator

A death stalker she would **** to survive
Seeking experiences and glory in her life

Once i saw her crawling by my bed
Mezmerized by fear or passion
I couldnt tell
I should have ran but decided to stay
I should have remembered that her sting would take my life away

Words Of Harfouchism
Scorpions are dangerous
 Dec 2014 Lunatide
Harley Hucof
Many lives many pasts
Many girls many romances

Many broken hearts
Many broken dreams
Many broken promises flowing down with the stream

Many fake people
Many fake smiles
Fly with me let's reach the sweet paradise

Do you think you know what life is about?
Please help me understand

Because a long time ago i chose to close my eyes and wait for my death

Life is an illusion though it seems real

All what really matters is our dreams and fantasies

Words Of Harfouchism
 Nov 2014 Lunatide
Harley Hucof
It's in moments like these
where the universe is revealed
I find myself wandering the infinite land
searching for a lover and a friend

The moments of peace
where freedom is revealed
tales of Gods and Goddesses

New music my last hope
my first trip away from home
I am me ! can't you see?
i'm real not a normal human
i'm just meat

Why am i here?
dazed chasing desires and dreams
i could shake the ground beneath your feet
but things don't look always as they seem

Lets sail this ship to escape our past
Sins that killed the innocence while the demons laughed

It's in moments like these i fly high and dance with the stars
where i'm back to the womb

but for others it's just the tomb..

Words Of Harfouchism.
If you can relate to that, i admire you
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