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People look at me and call me all these names
Boys ******* use me and play all these games

I feel so alone, I can't take it anymore
I can't stand being called an ugly ******* *****

I go home and cry my eyes out
I don't know what to say, so I scream and shout

Walk into my room and open up a box
In there, are some treasures, and a few couple rocks

I dig a little deeper till I find what I'm looking for
It's the blade that wounds the thing deep inside my core

I take it out and stare at it for a while
I have so many reasons, they stretch out for a couple miles

I take my blade, walk to the bathroom, and lock the door
I look at myself in the mirror, and I am sure

What I am doing is of my own hand
These marks will leave their very own special brand

I hold the blade over my wrist
And when I bring it down, I feel pain and then bliss

The warm blood starts to trickle down
If anyone found out, they would do more than frown

I attack my wrist so vigorously
Scarring myself to **** the thing inside of me

Each and every time,  the feeling becomes addictive
For each cut becomes distinctive

This one is for the girl who told me I was full of crap
And this one is for the boy who called me fat

They didn't think I would take it to the heart
But actually, I am tearing myself apart

I do it once, twice, three dozen more times
I throw my ****** blade down and begin to cry

Why did I do this?
Even though I felt pain, I felt so much bliss

My troubles went away with each slice
The blood ran thicker down my arm, Jesus Christ

I start to sob and bury my head in my arms
When I look up, I feel the blood on my face, so warm

I get up and start to clean myself
I grab the towels that are on the shelf

After I see that there is no more blood
I go to my room and my emotions begin to flood

I lay in bed, hiding the scars buried deep in my wrist
I think about the hate, and my eyes begin to mist

The front door opens, and my mother come inside
She comes in my room, noticing that I have recently cried

She asks me what is wrong
I tell her in this world I don't belong

She sees my wrist and puts her hand up to her face
Oh, Allison, you belong here in this place

Please promise me you won't cut yourself ever again
One day you will hit a major vein

No one wants to lose you, your precious smile
The question is, do you want to stay with us for a little while?
This is about how I overcame cutting
They never listen

On my face, tears glisten

They act like everything is okay

But I feel like dying each and every single day

They don't hear my cries

Sick of all the lies

I am so tired, of them not giving a ****

To me, all of us students are sitting ducks
Music saves me everyday

It gives me the strength

It sends me away

It's length

I move and sway to the song

Thinking... *I belong
 Dec 2014 Lizzy
Britty Bruce
You say love lasts forever.
Is that why it's more like over?

He left with my only heart.
now im falling apart.

Death do us part..
Am I another piece of your art?

Im heartless?
So what does that make you?

You will never give me the chance to say how much im sorry.
You make me hear all the demons glory.

You don't want to hurt me?
You have already broken the broken hearted me.

You want me, but you don't even try anymore.
What's wrong, did you think I was like that of a *****?

I miss you I really do, but I cant wait.
I cant wait for the day I met my fate.
About a boy I once knew to well...
Why do they call crushes crush?

I walk by you and start to blush

You smile at me and I think I died inside

I realize you smiled at her and I start to cry

Meaning of crush is they crush your heart

They mess with your feelings, tear you apart
Carter..the guy I like
 Dec 2014 Lizzy
Britty Bruce
I can hear the voices.
That make me question all my choices.

If a heart is broken..
Is it just a lose of a token?

Are we really living?
Or are we just believing, Believing in the false thought that this world is glorious.

When we are high
do we see eye to eye?

If drugs are illegal.. why cant the government tell us why?
is it because it shows us the real world instead of the image that will die?

The mind is a tricky thing.
It does nothing but ring.
ringing its bells of Screams!

Why do we question, is it because we want more or is it just the fact that we start to feel our dreams fade?
Is this all just a rade?

Inside the mind.
There we find the secrets behind.
We have the wish that this all could be divine.
 Dec 2014 Lizzy
Britty Bruce
She's the one who makes others feel better.
her heart seemed to come to a slow pitter.

Nobody noticed the fake smiles and hidden scars.
covering her arms and hiding her feelings she looks to the stars.

How could someone so perfect learn to hate her own guts.
despite all of the many cuts, she is beautiful.

But as she was falling into the fade.
A boy came and fell as well, he fell as her hearts aid.

Once he left he tore a piece away from her heart.
Now she sits low, trying not to let herself scatter apart.

She just couldn't take the pain inside, she didn't want the monster.
she grabbed her razor and ripped and cut till she finally felt numb enough that the monster was gone.

But the monster ended up being her own emotional mind.
She dug into her arm while she was just a little blind.
It crawls it's way to me
I don't see
It silently comes over
Whilst I am on the phone, talking to my lover
I suddenly feel a shiver up my spine
I look and see it's deep black eyes
It's fangs dripping saliva, I imagine venom
I scream, thinking It is a felon
Robbing me of my fate
I soon begin to hate
This thing that will tear me down, **** me
Its soulless eyes shall never see
The book I am about to hit it with
It jumps up and I scream, ****!
I jump around, terrified of this thing
I scream so shrilly, I begin to sing
It begins to bite
I start to fight
Evil demon must die
Spiders...made me cry
 Dec 2014 Lizzy
Britty Bruce
There was a very sad little girl.
her whole world was in a wurl.

Her mother was sick.
Her father was a ****.

She prays each and every day.
That she could at least be gay.

After she lay awake, she saw a shooting star.
She made a wish that one day she will go far!

The next day her mother became well.
Her father didn't have to dwell.
She had a chance to smile.
And she done just that.
she smiled Forever!
Things do get better keep your head up like this little girl
Welcome to Men Tal's Asylum
Would you like a room?
Oh, you're here for a visit?
Don't keep your hopes up, soon will come your doom

You see that man in the rocking chair?
Why, that's Old Sir James
He was a devoted knight
Who loved to play horrid games

And that girl giggling to herself?
That's little Mary
She killed both her parents
Convinced she sacrificed them to a fairy

Those twins in the corner?
That's Tommy and Sue
They burned the town folk
And even ate a few

The regal woman in the straightjacket
Is Queen Opal Mead
She killed her son and husband
And crazily laughed her head

The boy being restrained over here?
That is Kendall Fair
He killed his sister an hour ago
And ate all of her hair

Our last and final stop is a room
A mirror and bad news, don't you see
Those patients you saw never existed
But your stay here is free!
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