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Kim Essary Mar 2019
As shadows fall upon a saddened soul
Breath grows faint as hope lays still against her fragile heart.
She feels alive inside her trapped existence
Attempts yet failed to rise like the sun
Her mind races among memories of the past
Reliving each one in her mind but faced with the reality of no escape
The feeling of urge trying to break through
But her strength weakened from many attempts of failure.
Praying for chances to stand again, the soul of so much hurt and pain searching so hard for a smile of pleasure to break the force and allow a breath to rise for her life. .
Her story of life like the petals of a flower, falling to their death she slowly fades asleep
For her pain and sorrow too much to bear as the last petal floats to the ground, her soul flies away now she too like the petals that lay beside her has gone.
The feeling of wnding but still alive
Kim Essary Mar 2019
She struggles so much more than a young woman should , she never surrenders  like most probably would.
She' is treated poorly, pushed down by the ones that should stand by her side..
Somehow she manages to maintain her pride.
Through all of this sadness and pain she always manages to find sunshine in the rain.
She has turned her world completely around .
I've sat from afar and watched her pick herself  up off the ground.
She works hard every day to take care of her son
Since the day he was born, he's been her number one.
I am writing these words because I think she should know how precious she is and how blessed I am to have her and her son in my life.
They may not be blood but they are my family and one day her daddy will make me his wife.
No matter what the future may hold I want her to know im in their life to stay
Family doesn't always mean blood and I will never go away.
I love you both with all of my heart
Know matter where the roads of this life lead us I'm always here for you just like I've been from the start..
Dedicated to my step daughter Alicia Taylor Bludsworth and my precious Grandson, Lane
Kim Essary Feb 2019
The dream of being loved through sickness and health,
Through richer and poor with your love being my wealth,
Getting the respect in return for the respect that I give,
Understanding  mistakes and able to forgive.
Trust and honor till death due us part,
Patiently waiting for my dream to start.
Time is running out for there's no promise of tomorrow,
Life is too short to live in constant sorrow.
Wanting to feel loved so badly, I conformed to your needs and did it gladly.
I can only wish my dream come true,
I have never loved another the way I love you.
Dreaming of such a happy life with the same happily ever after. Yet wondering if this exceeds the limits of expectancy to great for one to fill .
Kim Essary Feb 2019
I don't know where my life is going but I'm sure of where it's been.
The ups and downs of happy and sad from the beginning to the end.
Roads i traveled, knowing they were wrong from the start. Others left wreched  scars on my heart
It's hard not to second guess yourself when life's highways have put you through hell.
So many ups and downs, from a smoke filled room where only the poor were allowed to the glitz and the glamour of only the rich crowd.
I've witnessed very little loyalty from family and friends
The cruel and conniving actions were more than I could stand.
I learned it was safer to stand with my back against a wall.
Otherwise I would be setting myself up to fall.
Words we use are only just words as it's our actions that  prove to be true.
So easy to say, so much harder to carry through..
I can't seem to get a grip on my life
Kim Essary Feb 2019
Shhhhhh Listen closely as you can hear the sound of silence screaming through the air.
Why must it sound haunted and be filled with pain , and not the muse of laughter singing silently in the rain .
The sound of silence rings like a bell , one of screaching one of yell.
It doesn't twinkle oh so bright , tis the sound of silence we fear at night.
Not the sounds we may hear nor the sights we can see,
Not even the brushing limbs up in the tree
Just the sound of silence screaming loud and clear   this sound brings lonely silence oh so near.
Lonely can be your best friend as well as your worst enemy don't let the sound of silence consume you.
Kim Essary Feb 2019
Exhausted in mind,  body and soul,
My head spinning in circles out of control.
Exceeding even my own expectations yet succeeding to the fullest of failure in every way.
Becoming what ever it is I am today.
My attempts to reach the highest peak of the heavens , falling short every time
The fall leaving more lesions and memories I should have left behind .
Of all the beautiful birds in the sky why is it the dreadful vulture circles my existence .
From my darkened corner, peace is only seen from a distance .
As I await the angels to lift my tired soul up to the sky,
I watch them one by one slowly pass me by.
Sad to feel dark inside when all you want to see is the light
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