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  Feb 2018 Kiahlee
beware when you fall in love
with an artist
be it a painter, a singer, or poet

for the artist will
paint you
with strokes and hues
in shapes of every kind

sing about you
with heartbreak lyrics
and feelings which rhyme

write about you
with the simplest words
and a secret message she wants to say

beware of the artist,
and her love
one wrong move
and you're an artwork in her display
  Feb 2018 Kiahlee
You told me nobody wants you.
When did that happen?
I want you,
but I don’t see where I became
I mean,
in my eyes I’m somebody.
In my eyes I’m somebody
likable and funny…
but I am pretty stupid.
And I mess up a lot.
But I am definitely not
So when you tell me that nobody wants you, that-
that hurts!
Cause I don’t see how you can say that when someone is there
looking out for you every day,
because they care about you very,
very much.
I am not
so never say nobody wants you.
Because I want you.
And I’ll fight for you every day,
just say the word.
I think about you every day,
I wonder how you’re doing because I-
I can’t be there with you
all the time!
But that doesn’t mean I’m
This is a poem I wrote for my friends, but it's also a vent.
Kiahlee Feb 2018
This heart                              was broken
   before you came           along. Now I'm singing
Love songs. Before yo   u, someone stole my heart,
  then ripped it apart. Your smile makes me melt,
  you probably don't know how I felt. Your laugh
    makes butterflies. You're diffidently not like
      other guys. Your eyes are unlike any hue, I only
        have eyes for you.  You're amazing, kind,
          fun and spectacular too. You're sporty
             and smart that is all so true. Your
               perfect for me I'm perfect for  
                  you. You do not know yet.
                   But I've liked you ever
                      since we first met.
                          So believe me
                            when I say
                                I like
Please don't judge too harshly. I know its a horrible heart.
Kiahlee Feb 2018
Basketball is a challenging sport,
we run plays on the court.
Many people play short or tall,
you pass the ball,
across the floor.
Make a layup. Score!
The final half its 23 to 24.
Today's the day I make a three pointer.
I shoot the ball.
It's all net.
Kiahlee Feb 2018
We've all been told "you're perfect just the way you are."
Then your no longer a shining star.
A day when Beauty became everything.
People told you your not pretty enough to do something.
Your told no one could love anyone like you.
People tell you this so often you start to think its true. ):
Being "Beautiful" becomes part of your life.
Putting on makeup becomes a strife.
Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram.
Hiding behind a screen.
Where people hide behind filters and Photoshop.
You start to wear clothes that are uncomfortable like crop tops.
You feel good about the comments of how beautiful you are.
You once again feel like a shining star.
Drawing in hundreds of likes
You feel positive.

Until you are drawn back into reality,
School where people judge you on popularity.
No one compliments you on how you look.
So you hide behind a book.
You flip between pretty and not.
You wonder if your as pretty as you thought.

Then you meet the special someone in reality,
who cares only about your personality.
They could care less about popularity and likes.
They don't judge you by flaws.
They love you for who you are,
because your unique as a star.
They make you realize looks do not matter,
your built up wall starts to shatter.
Because its whats inside that counts.
Please like or comment. (:
Kiahlee Feb 2018
Somewhere out there is a girl,
whose heart is crying out.
Many people are around her,
But they don't seem to hear her shout.
She was once cheerful,
full of love so rare.
Always laughing and having fun,
someone was always there.
Now it seems like no one stays.
She's losing herself but doesn't let it show.
And hides behind a mask everyday.
Her true feelings no one knows.
She once had a life filled with joy and laughter,
She now knows life's not always filled with Happily Ever After's.
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