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she is a happy ending,
not everyone can wait for.
 Jan 2020 Mackenzie Faith
 Jan 2020 Mackenzie Faith
‪oh earth,‬
are you sad today?
i can see your tears falling,
running down on your 'cheeks'
overflowing as it nourishes the land,
the scent of your drops,
as it hits your 'skin'
brings hope and calmness in me.

oh earth,
your sadness is my sadness,
your tears heal me,
as it helps us to grow stronger.

oh earth,
you're growing old,
and we will grow old together,
the time ticks,
soon when i die,
i will be inside you.
 Jan 2020 Mackenzie Faith
I always thought we were the perfect match.
But matches are meant
                                   to ignite
                                         and burn out.
 Jan 2020 Mackenzie Faith
Stay quiet.
So I can..
Think for
So I don't..
Need you
All the time.
 Jan 2020 Mackenzie Faith
my reflection,
stares back at me,
with all my insecurities,
flying around
behind me.

my reflection,
still and lifeless,
makes me

my reflection,
at age 5,
was happy and enthusiastic,
dressed in bright colours
and loved to smile.

my reflection,
at age 9,
was insecure and semi,
with the changes going on.

my reflection,
at age 12,
was unhappy and hated life,
hated herself
because of how fat she was.

my reflection,
at age 15,
became a little happier,
but only a little
because she was still fat.

my reflection,
at age 16,
kind of accepts herself,
only kind of
because she will always be fat.

my reflection,
at age 16,
isn't perfect,
not for society
and not for anyone.

my reflection,
at age 16,
will never be enough,
for you,
or for anyone.

— The End —