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I'll sing a little song
I'll sing a little song

It will be about me and you

I may do it right
I may do it wrong

But it will be about our love

About the way that I love you
About the way I hold you
About the way I touch you

I may serenade with a poem

I may do it right
I may do it wrong

But it will be a love poem
 Nov 2015 The Broken Poet
there will only be two things that will happen to you:

either you end up in my poems of heartbreak, remorse, and sadness,
you end up beside me with my hand in yours.
The first love was fearfulness,
Draped in a deceiving cloak.
Leaving nothing but a mess,
Every time he spoke.

Always urging towards the choice,
That left him unscathed and alone.
Trapped by his wound soul's voice,
Telling him "Your heart can't be shown!"

One day he awoke
With the sun in his eyes
And he took off that cloak
To remove his disguise

He never again tried to justify
Neither his words nor his actions.
He just opened his heart deep inside,
And filled the air with compassion.
© Lizzy Collins
 Nov 2015 The Broken Poet
I know it may seem odd
But sometimes
I can be in a crowd
And still feel alone
through his window
he could see the oak planted by his grandfather
or his father, or his, however many greats
that would be

few obstinate leaves lingered
like refugees who missed a hegira
to the promised land, or to the
red, russet heap along
the stone wall

some of its ancient roots
had wearied of earth's deep dark  
and now streaked across the yard
silent serpents laying in wait
for another eve

he wanted to write
of his lifelong arboreal companion
but his fingers had adopted a stiff grotesque pose
some forgotten fall, when the leaves
had been long in their leaving

words were there, waiting,
perched behind his eyes, then sinking
in some grave fashion to his tongue,
though to whom would they speak?

nobody remained
who read his verse
still the words kept lining up
not quite knocking on the door
demanding exit to a flat
white world

as his tired eyes rested
on the tree, the words rumbled louder,
until they pleaded, who planted you,
where are they now, and when
will we join them...?
 Nov 2015 The Broken Poet
Forget who I was with
The past doesn't matter anymore
The only person I want to be is with you
You're the person that I want to be with now is you
With all of your flaws I still want **you
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