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Apr 2016 · 936
Kay Wright Apr 2016
He grips my thighs and whispers in my ears,
“Say anything and you will regret it,
After all, who would believe a pathetic excuse like you?”
I sit there in fear, knowing what was happening,
After all, it’s been the same for months
I go home, and cry myself to sleep each night
Pretend everything is okay

He sits and laughs at me while I’m in pain
Calls me a fool and pretends he never did a thing.
I grip my thighs in agony.
It’s still all I can think about, the pain too strong
I can’t escape and panic every time I leave my room
I still have to see him in every class
Pretend everything is okay

He’s gone, I haven’t seen him in months
No longer am I afraid of men,
At least not as much as then.
Someone else grips my thighs now,
I feel no fear when he does
He understands and helps take the pain away
Not everything is okay, but a lot is now
Oct 2015 · 1.6k
The Perception of Beauty
Kay Wright Oct 2015
Beauty according to media:
Perfect, long hair
Flawless skin and,
Being tan but not too tan
Beauty according to the general public:
Perfect hair
Make up but not too much and,
No blemishes
Beauty according to the broken:**
Being able to get out of bed every morning and function properly
even after everything someone has been through
Not being afriad to speak your mind and,
Being capable of feeling a true emotion
Not very good but it's true, at least in my eyes anyway
Oct 2015 · 1.3k
Things I Notice
Kay Wright Oct 2015
Looking around the room I notice many things
The way people move their body without realising it
How the clock's ticks are slightly off time
How the ones that are shown as smart work the hardest because things do not come to them as easy as it does to the others.
The ones who just don't want to be there and the ones who use school as their escape
The writing on the desks that is not neat but nor is it messy
The stains on the walls from feet, heads and hands.
How one fan spins slightly slower then the others
And then there's me,
The girl up the back corner with earphones in, writing non stop to escape the world and hide.
I'm the one no one notices, even though I notice you
Even without looking for it, I notice all that people just skim over or try to hide.
I notice everything but all I want is to be noticed
Nothing special but I'm back now
Oct 2014 · 398
This Is Not
Kay Wright Oct 2014
This is not me, but I don't know who me is
This is not fun, but I don't know what fun is
This is not love, but I don't know what love is
This is not living, but I don't know what living is
The path to finding out who I am is long
The path to fun is not hard
The path to love will appear with happiness
The path to living I'm already on, I just didn't know it
I learn more by living everyday how I want to
Not by sitting in the back of a class writing things down
This is not me, but I will find who me is
Sep 2014 · 1.8k
Did You Notice?
Kay Wright Sep 2014
Did you notice I didn't talk?
Did you notice I didn't smile?
Did you notice my dull eyes?
Did you notice my distant stares?
Did you notice my silent cries?
Did you notice my earphones always there?
Did you notice my work degrade?
Did you notice I started to fade away?
Did you notice I needed you?
Did you even care?
I was depressed and you didn't notice.
Jul 2014 · 865
Fix Her
Kay Wright Jul 2014
You see that girl over there? She looks so happy and free, but is she really?
To answer that question you must first think back, back to when you knew her. I know you did.
How did she act? Was she truly happy? Was there a spark in her eyes?
You know the answer, you know where I'm heading but I will still spell it out.
She was happy and care free, she loved to hang out, draw, sing, dance and just have fun.
She could put a smile on everyone's face, just by saying one word. One.
But that all changed, one fateful day, the day her life started going down.
Suddenly nothing was fun anymore and she struggled through everyday.
Things all changed the day you just left her on the street, alone. I know you regret that.
Deep down she knows you didn't mean to hurt her, but you did and there is nothing you can do.
Things shouldn't be like this, she shouldn't be. Being alone and drowning within.
No one should have to feel like that. You know what you have to do but you won't do it.
You're scared that she will reject you and turn away, but she won't.
Do you want to know why? Here's why. She's desperate. Desperate for love.
Desperate for a friend and, overall, she's desperate to feel something other then the constant pain.
So go, make things right. Try and fix your mistakes, if not for her then for your own mind.
Make that sad girl happy again and make her see that light at the end of the tunnel, the one that you see.

— The End —