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You are the whole universe of mine
You are me, and
All my LOVE is only for YOU
'If & When' you are there,
There is color in this universe
I can only see rainbows
When YOU are there in my heart
The cosmos plays a dance and
Tunes of music for YOU
Know, YOU live there, in my soul

The energies of the world
Flow through the skies and waters
Every thing in this world
Is lighted up with your presence

You are so beautiful that
Every eye that sees you
Desires you
There is no one comparable
There is no one like YOU

In the journey of my LIFE
I never thought, I will meet you
But there was that moment
That was the turning point of my LIFE
We met, and within a second
The entire universe of mine
Became 'YOU'
The entire life-story of mine
Became 'YOURS'

I left everything I had
I left all my purposes
To be in your LOVE
I left every materialistic search
To be part of your LOVE-SOUL

I became a wandering saint
Like a night star floating all over
I turn, swing and dance like a Sufi
YOU are playing the tune of my LOVE
Now you listen to the song of my LOVE

Now when we've met,
Now when I'm in your LOVE
Now when you know
I LOVE you madly
Why are you so silent?
Just tell me once,
Who are you to me?
Who am I to you?

MY eyes, smiles, body, breathe
Everything is BEING devoted to YOU
You listen with your heart
And tell me
Who are you to me?
Who am I to you?

You are the whole universe of mine
You are me, and
The all my LOVE is only for YOU
If you are there,
There is color in this universe
I can only see a rainbow
When YOU are there in my heart
The cosmos plays a dance and tunes of music,
When you are there in my soul
Moonlight carries her like an ivory carriage.
She walks with the river and cringes not at the insects.
She resembles the water, always flowing and overcoming.
The fireflies ignite the spark in her eye
And the sun's dawn immortalizes her passion.
She floats, ethereal, with the wind.
Horizons calling her sweetly by first name,
Extending an deathless hand to a mortal goddess.
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
We share the same goals
And the same
Our skin
Only conceals
What our blood reveals

We are a nation in crisis

But hopefully
The crisis doesn't tear us apart
As most would expect
But rather
It brings us together

One love
One heart
Let's get together and feel alright

We're on the brink
The brink of finding peace
We can make a change forward
For the best

One love
"I'm pleading to mankind"
- Bob Marley
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
I Belong
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
i belong to the daybreak
when humans with sleepy eyes
and mousy morning hearts
are brave enough to face
the scarily mundane world once again.

i belong to nature
to the hidden wonders of the world
there's unknown modern hanging gardens of babylon
and the secret sanctuaries
where the teenagers of the megalopolis
go to rest.

i belong to the ocean
in the deepest trenches
no man has seen
where it is quiet and still
and darkness reigns supreme.

i belong to outer space
in the galaxies who are
strangers we'd like to know
there's dark matter that swirls
space dust coalesces
and stars are born to die all over again.

i belong to the rain
when the sky cries and
the typhoons turn to drizzle
the water runs through
empty houses and thrift stores in the gutters
and on and on, to underground,
to God knows where.

i belong to the night
to the time when the busiest people
submit to slumber
but a few who are not
bothered by lightyears
sit by their windowsills
to watch the stars.

*i belong to the world
and the world belongs to me.
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
I never realized
How many birds
There really are

They seem to melt
Into the landscape
As they hop
To and fro
In the manicured
Suburban shrubs
And pepper the sky
Floating in place
Against some unfelt
Wind current

While walking
I locked gazes with
A slate colored dove
And we stared
I don't know how
He felt about me
Or what he felt
About me

I thought he was
Even though he was
The color of fresh tar
While it bakes
In the Pennsylvania sun
In some hazy culdesac
In the corner of some

He hopped off his perch
A rusty sign post
That had been bifurcated
By some unknown
Bolt or hand

And skittered behind some
Sickly looking ferns
In a dirt patch of an
Unknown neighbors yard

A gang of Robins
Flittered over my head
Landing down the street
Passing a pinecone
Between them
Pecking and tearing at it

I looked behind
The sickly ferns
And found the
Unknown neighbors cat
Doing the same thing
To my slate colored dove

I shooed it away
It dropped the dove
In the loose dirt
And retreated

I looked down at the dove
And it laid there
Its breast heaving
One eye cast into the dirt
The other looking up
Watching the same Robins
Fly back to where
They had come from

And the slate slowly
Turned sanguine
As its down became
Saturated with the
Run off from the
Puncture wounds

The cat sat off
A few yards away
Flicking its tail
Calico and smug

And I stood by
The dove as
The heaving slowly
Ground to a
Halt really
And then the eyes
Weren't looking
At the sky or the dirt

I finally felt
That unseen
And continued
On my way
I regret not walking as much as I could
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
Love me like the moon loves the sun
Making way for her in the morning even though his sojourn had just begun

Love me like the grass loves the rain
Begging for just a little taste to help it grow and ease it's pain

Love me like birds love nectar from a flower
Allow me to be overcome by your power

Love me like the morning loves it's dew
Never wake up without me laying next to you

Love me like the bees love their queen
Treat me like I'm royalty and allow your love to always be seen

Love me like you know I deserve to be loved
Take a page out of nature's book of love
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
 Jul 2016 Kara Jean
As the sun shines,
All of creation rejoice.
As the trees sway,
All of its residents sing and tweet in harmony.

As the rivers flow in tranquility,
All of the sea creatures swim in their beauty,
As the coral reefs provide a shelter,
A home,
For the creatures of the deep.

For Mother nature is one of the greatest gifts,
The trees, the animals, the open ocean,
Are all hers,
But yet she doesn't use them to abuse us,
Instead she lets us observe them,
Admire them,
And yet we still
destroy them.

                                    Jonesy 2016 ©
Nature is beautiful.
I do wish we will stop hurting her.
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