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175 · Sep 13
Boats & Carpets
K J Samuel Sep 13
Get my boat so I may go to the mountain top,
To thy enemies Infront of thee flee,
On their carpets they go away from their home,
From all they have ever known,
Wayward unto the sea, down many leagues they flee,
Away from the wrath of ye and me,
To the Mariana trench we cannot see,
Is the destination to their journey,
Upon which we will sojourn,
And deeply yearn,
All there is to learn.
K J Samuel Sep 10
I prefer to remain unknown,
Even to myself, opening up,
Part of me leaves it with you,
Parts I cannot lose.

My form from the former of,
The firmament, I’m told there’s
Only grey, only what man can
Stand but surely healer,

The dance of angels flickering,
Dark shows us the way, through the,
Grey into the light of day, show us,
A way from the darkness at bay,

I ask of you which parts of ,
Me you need to keep pent up,
Bound and kept from me,
Bound but surely jailer,

The flickering of demons, shimmering,
Gloaming shows us another through the,
Light into the dark of night, obscure us,
From the light of day, my favourite game,

My form now in the form of,
The corruptor of the firmament,
Only sickened black, Only what man,
Stands but surely never,

I need to lose but surely healer,
A way from the darkness at bay,
Bound but surely jailer,
The piercing light of day.

I must remain unknown,
Jumbled thoughts in my scatter-brained domain,
Parts of my essence, I share with you,
Wild chaos, my mind we must subdue.

Our form, a cosmic creation I am,
Whispered secrets, in grey, I comply,
Bafflingly told man’s realm viewed,
Stand firm, heal, in the tumultuous brew.

Angels cohort, flicker in the void,
Lost in the labyrinth, shadows deployed,
Guidance in chaos, through the murky hue,
Unrestrained journey, a delirious breakthrough.

Verily I question you, what's within to lock,
Thoughts to confine, in madness we frock,
Bounded and concealed, reality askew,
In this disarray, guardianship’s review.

Angels’ wild dance, sparks do ignite,
A Chaotic romp, through the grey light,
Into the day’s revelry, a mind askew,
Unravelling the night, in unhinged debut.

Demons flicker, a shimmering gleam,
In the eerie twilight, a bewildering dream,
Through the light’s abyss, we eschew,
Madness obscuring, as we spiral through.

In this form, a shaper of discord, I yearn,
Sickened blackness, man’s world we spurn,
Unshackled, a healer in this retinue,
In the chaos’ maelstrom, we’ll discern the truce.

To lose and find, in this madness I embrace,
A path through insanity, in this bewildering space,
Confined and unshackled, a paradoxical crew,
In the relentless glare, our minds we’ll place anew.

I must remain unknown,
Disjointed thoughts are my azure domain,
Bits of my essence, I share with who?
Wild chaos, our minds we must renew.

My form, a cosmic creation, am I?
Whispered truths, in light, we climb,
Secretly told, our realms view,
Stand firm, heal, in the tumultuous brew.

Angels thoughts, flicker in the firmament,
Found in the labyrinth, shadows destroyed,
Guidance in chaos, through the murky blue,
Unrestrained journey, a delirious breakthrough.

I answer you, what's within to lock?
Bounded and concealed, reality askew,
Thoughts to confine, in madness we frock,
In this disarray, guardianship’s review.

Demons wild dance, embers are ignited,
Chaotic romp, through the grey blight,
Into the day’s revelry, a mind askew,
Unravelling the night, in unhinged debut.

Angels flicker, a shimmering gleam,
In the eerie twilight, a damaged seam,
Through the light’s abyss, we eschew,
Madness obscuring, as we power through.

In this form, a shaper of discord, I burn,
Sickened blackness, man’s world we churn,
Unshackled, a healer in this retinue,
In the chaos’ maelstrom, we’ll discern the truth.

To lose and find, in this madness I embrace,
A path through insanity, in this bewildering space,
Confined and unshackled, a paradoxical view,
In the relentless glare, our minds we’ll place anew.
A Young man once wrote of his desired obscurity,
His mind a fractured, azure domain marred by anguish and pain, 
His very essence unaware of the guardianship he were under,
The wild chaos ripping it asunder now abated,

His form was one of divine origin,
His heavenly father, the root of all mankind and his kin,
Whispered truths in the light,
Now delivering with speed and fright,
He stood firm, cleansed and healed anew,

The messengers now descend into the world,
What was once found in chaos now brought to order,
The path laid out before him, no longer a murky hew,
A new path and new journey, a joyous breakthrough, 

Verily I say unto thee, 
What is to be locked, bounded and concealed,
For the divine reality is revealed, reality awash, reality anew,
Thought now boundless, In majesty we flock,

The demons who once pranced,
Whom embers ignited,
The chaotic romp in the darkness,
Will no longer have power to outlast us,

The messengers flickering, shimmering gleam,
The welcoming light, a repaired seam,
Through the lights' bliss, sin no longer renewed, 
Madness falling, as his power is shewn,
His love is known,

In my cleansed form, from the shaper of all things,
Seen and unseen, the weaver of the thread and seam,
I burn away my impurities, the purgatory voluntarily,
The once sickened blackness now under the light,
Willingly embraces what is right,
Hosanna in the highest,
For blessed is thee, the almightiest.
Written By K J Samuel

We are all on journey's. I hope mine is one of the crooked, narrow path. I hope my path is not like trying to get a camel through a needle. Through faith all things are possible.

— The End —