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Ariana Robinson Apr 2015
I don't need someone to tell me who I am.
I already know myself enough to tell myself who I am.
I don't need someone to point out my flaws and inadequacies.
They were created by lessons learned.
Nobody can tell me who I am because they're not me.
They haven't walked in my shoes...
Nor have they experienced life the way I live it.
Only one person can tell me who I am---me.
Ariana Robinson Apr 2015
They say that true love doesn't hurt and they are doesn't.
However, an imitation of true love can cause a broken heart.
  Apr 2015 Ariana Robinson
Mike lowe
You're poison. You're a rose covered in thorns, nice to look at but deadly to touch. Every guys worst nightmare but favorite dream. You're toxic to my health but the best drug i've ever felt.
Ariana Robinson Apr 2015
His words caressed my pages
His ink flowed from his pen
Creating sweet poetry upon my blank canvas
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
Her soul became broken
And so many times, she tried to fix it
Times when she came close, it would shatter again

She died on the inside

The shards of her shattered soul contained images
Memories that she wished to forget
Why would she want to put the shards back together?
She died, and another person appeared with worse problems and a more broken soul
But this time, add the hurt...the pain...the struggle that came along with her life
Aren't you surprised the new person hasn't broke yet?

She will be broken soon

The cycle repeats itself
How long you think it will take before she is broken and a new person appears?
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
I'm having a bad day and I don't know what to do
I'm just sitting here, with a frown on my face
Maybe someone will make me laugh and it will liven up my spirits a little
Who knows? I might just have a bad day
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
These are words I have said
Words I have refused to utter
When people walk in and out of my life
Either by invitation or they waltz in
Over time, a bond forms
I become a part of you, you become a part of me
Then, they have to leave
Either because they have to or they want to
I see you leave through that door
With a piece of my heart trailing behind you
I whisper, "Don't leave"
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