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Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
She was forced onto the bed or pinned to the floor, the environment didn't matter, the outcome was the same
His breath would graze over her neck, he groped mercilessly
Never once did she look into his eyes or made a sound
Never once did he hesitate or stop his assault
Never once did she attempt to stop him, out of fear, out of embarrassment
The tearing of her clothes, his brutal grunts
She never utters a word or makes any movement
Her head would be slightly turned away from the scene, her eyes opened, staring into space or closed, not wanting to watch this unfold
A sharp intake of breath would pass her lips as his assault began
His continuous thrusts felt as if needles were pricking her untouched skin
The agony goes on for seconds, minutes, maybe even hours until he finishes
He tosses her aside, doesn't matter, the outcome is the same
She stays immobile, on some occasions, crying softly
She doesn't know why it happens, it just does
Her body is a fortress he conquered, which now lays collapsed
Her emotions, her thoughts, scrambled
The pain she feels from the assault goes unnoticed
Never utters a word or makes any movement
The reoccurring thought crosses her mind, "Why did this happen? Why did it happen to me?"
He takes one last look and then leaves
She lays there on the bed or the floor, her arms wrapped around herself, cradling her body
Doesn't matter what the environment is, the outcome is always the same
Her innocence is taken and now she has nothing...
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
It holds you within its clutches
Embracing you in its veil, shrouded in shadows
It whispers sinister sayings in your ear
It stands in your corner
It follows you wherever you go
Invades your mind with dark thoughts
Controls your actions to where you lash out
It's turning you into what it is, to take its place
You become

I wonder who will take your place?
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
If walls could talk...
They would tell you of my screams which have echoed off them
If walls could talk...
They would tell of me staring into the mirror, my reflection looking back at me, my face immobile
If walls could talk...
They would tell of the nights tears stained my face, my heart aching
If walls could talk...
They would tell of me cradling my pillow, wanting someone, anyone to comfort me
If walls could talk...
They would tell of my secrets which I keep hidden away out of fear of being found out
The walls are those who see me, even if I seem to be alone
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
Those who fade into nothingness blend in with the background
A thought that crosses the mind, not even for a second
To be forgotten, you aren't remembered in memories
You are just a face that someone can recall as familiar, but is quickly dismissed as being a stranger
You seem to not exist in the lives of those you are close to
You have been erased from minds
Being forgotten is being lost within yourself
Not remembering who you were, or who you are for that matter
You simply have no trace of yourself
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
Fate's a *******, Karma's a *****...
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
My horns are holding up my halo...
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
I never asked for your help, you just assumed I needed it
I'm not some damsel in need of rescuing
Do you see lengthy tresses hanging out of a tower?

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair

I never asked you to give me anything, that would lead to me owing you back
And who knows what you'll ask for

No, Steve. I'm not gonna help you bury a body.

I never asked you to listen to my problems
My mistake for assuming I could vent to you
I guess I was just entertainment when your soap opera wasn't on

These are The Days of Our Lives

I never asked you to give me your time
There are only 24 hours in a day after all

I never asked you for anything, you just assumed I needed something.
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