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 Feb 2021 janessa ann
you see,
that’s the problem
with being the strong one
who always offers others
a hand
everyone thinks that you
don’t need a hand and
they think you have lots
of surplus energy and no

 Feb 2021 janessa ann
Kafka Joint
We never know what we're doing,
We only see what we've done,
With a vague feeling of what to do.
 Apr 2020 janessa ann
Mama earth
Love Craving
Red Flags Waving
Together we are Changing
Lacking correct Training
Experience Gaining
  My life he is Saving
The struggle is real.  Sealing my poetry is not worth your life.
 Sep 2019 janessa ann
all the sugar in the world
couldn't make you sweeter
Need to be cooked longer
For nice crisp
Golden deliciousness
 Aug 2019 janessa ann
I don't believe in soul mates
What I do believe in
Is people that connect
On some deeper level
Immediately upon acquaintance
And not meaning you agree
On where to eat for dinner
But the connection where your heart
Seems to slip out
Of your rib cage
Because it's found a home
Outside of your chest.
 Aug 2019 janessa ann
I like girls
girls like me
don't hate me
the color of the heart
and the flames that have engulfed me entirely
(in an inferno of love)

the color of the thickness
the blood, that used to flow out
(but it doesn't anymore and you are the reason!)

the color of passion and roses in full bloom
this color is red and it makes me think of you
(that's why it's one of my favorites)
The color of spring and my least favorite grapes
the hue of leaves that sway

The color of the frog that croaks
Green, the color of a mighty oak
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