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Broken crayons still write but broken dreams remain shattered.
I'm just the girl                  I'm just the creep
Who loved you                  That loved you
Who else could I               Who else could I
be?                                       be?
What else could I              What else could I
do?                                       do?
Please notice the               Please notice the
past tense                           past tense
Cause it's not like             Cause it's not like
before                                 before
I did love you once          I did love you once
But now I love you          But now I love you
no more                             no more

This girl right here
That loved you long ago
Well, I'm finally through
Just thought you should know
I no longer dream of you
I no longer wish you were mine
Truly, I loved you once
But I've left those feelings behind

                    I'm sitting here thinking about
                    His mischievous smile
                    When you walk by, I look there
                    To where my new prince
                    charming sits,
                    You leer at me, finally realizing
                    That you're lost at sea
                    Without me.
                    I'm gone, you see...
                   You should've caught me
                   When you still captivated my naiveté.

You should have loved this girl back
I've got so much heart to share
I could have loved you so right
Unfortunately, you never did care
I'm glad I'm so over you
I can finally move on to someone new
What I want, you never did give
A real man and poet, who's so true

                   I've already torn you out
                   From your throne in my heart,
                   I dragged you out by the throat,
                   While you got scratched by all
                   the thorns
                   Lying neatly everywhere.
                   You stare at me from the ground,
                   Pleadingly, but
                   No... I have grown.

Not only do you no longer reside
Inside this heart made of gold
You no longer haunt my dreams
You no longer have the key to my soul
The love I gave, you took for granted
But now my heart is free to love another
After this, my poetry will have no more specks of you
You'll be out of my mind forever

                    No longer will I fall into your divinity,
                    I can't stand your fake holiness.
                    I am the devil that caresses your soul,
                   The creep that awaits you in
                    your mirror
                   The little parasite that will
                    poison your mind
                   Whispering hymns and psalms
                    into your fingers and lips.

Can't you see?
That creep that haunts you,
Is secretly me.
But now that we're both through
We'll taunt both your dreams
Tear you from the inside out
Ripping at you from you inner seams
We loved you without a doubt
But now we'll forget about you
While you're left drowning in the deep
Remember us, when you can no longer breathe
Sincerely ~ This girl and that creep
So much fun with this one! Hope y'all like it!
 Oct 2014 J M Baker
jeffrey robin

    (  )
   (     )

Walking quickly

                                        Strange streets !




Whose world is this anyway ?


We have few ideas

We make no decisions !


Yet we do not trust
                                         our        LEADERS !

( that makes us merely           SLAVES ! )


Slaves trying to


with some other Slave !

( waiting // even wishing // to DIE // is all

Is all that we've become ! )



speaking from within the Poetry


Is anybody home ?


We take our ***** and ******* for a walk in the park

Hoping to meet

Perhaps we should bring our MINDS along ?

Perhaps our HEARTS ?


DEATH is here



I'm here


I guess the rest is up to you
 Oct 2014 J M Baker
 Oct 2014 J M Baker
i want to be
your 6pm
dinner date
and then
your 6am
hushed kisses

i want to be both

we could go round the clock
 Oct 2014 J M Baker
jeffrey robin
                    /    \

                 • •

Softly slowly        Now           invades  

Revealing the      


  Beings of greatness bring their love with them

Wherever they go

They do not buy it at Wal Mart

or some such discount place

Oh no !

They do not beg for mercy

They do not hide real feelings

They are not like we are

The have greatness

Not a Wal Mart mentality

They have a uniqueness

An authenticity

They do not buy their love



and true immortal love

Escapes our Wal Mart mentality

As a still real


authentic people are created

In the HERE and NOW

and not in some imaginary FOREVER

People of flesh and blood

Of love for life

Working in the human reality

Of justice and motherly nurturing

Not lost in the corridors

Of high school or Wal Mart

But in the open fields

With the dragons

And the unicorns

And the people like me

Hold me closer
Don't let me go
The feel of you inside me
It's like you're touching my soul
Deeper, faster,
Reaching my peak
Don't let me go
My knees are weak
So much friction
Yet there's more to know
It's an addiction
Don't let me go
I'm feeling so high
Stay steadfast and hold
I need to reach the sky
My insides are still cold
*Never let me go
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