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 Dec 2014 JLF
Harley Ginsberg
i'm a mess inside and out
i'm searching for serendipity
but all i have left is drenched emotions and crumpled up papers on my floor filled with ink blots and scribbles
my eyes burn from tears
my heart aches
i shake as i pour myself another drink of whatever is left in the cabinet
i down it like the 2 tablespoons of medicine my mother used to make me take when my stomach hurt
but right now, everything hurts
they say everyone needs to feel pain
it reminds us we're alive
but if being alive is the equivalent to feeling the sharp knife in my heart over and over again
i might as well be dead
but who really knows what the worst pain feels like
 Oct 2014 JLF
Oscar Wilde
Out of the mid-wood’s twilight
Into the meadow’s dawn,
Ivory limbed and brown-eyed,
Flashes my Faun!

He skips through the copses singing,
And his shadow dances along,
And I know not which I should follow,
Shadow or song!

O Hunter, snare me his shadow!
O Nightingale, catch me his strain!
Else moonstruck with music and madness
I track him in vain!
 Oct 2014 JLF
Walt Whitman
I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear;
Those of mechanics—each one singing his, as it should be, blithe and strong;
The carpenter singing his, as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his, as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work;
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat—the deckhand singing
on the steamboat deck;
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench—the hatter singing
as he stands;
The wood-cutter’s song—the ploughboy’s, on his way in the morning,
or at the noon intermission, or at sundown;
The delicious singing of the mother—or of the young wife at work—
or of the girl sewing or washing—Each singing what belongs to her,
and to none else;
The day what belongs to the day—At night, the party of young fellows,
robust, friendly,
Singing, with open mouths, their strong melodious songs.
 Oct 2014 JLF
Harley Ginsberg
i wrote my life in pen
mistakes can't be changed
and regrets that surround me
weren't always regrets
because i did love you once
and died at your touch
but now i die everyday
thinking of what you used to say
 Sep 2014 JLF
Harley Ginsberg
 Sep 2014 JLF
Harley Ginsberg
but am i really alone?
I've got ghouls, and monsters, and demons
bottled up in me
and when everyones gone
they come out
and haunt me
they taunt the dark night
searching for anything
to be with
cause they are tired of being alone
and alone is what they will always be
we'll never be alone
 Sep 2014 JLF
Harley Ginsberg
no matter what they say
or what they do
ill never find anyone
to compare
to you
nothing compares to your first love
 Sep 2014 JLF
Harley Ginsberg
Everyone is so afraid of pain
but I hope I become more afraid of life each day
I want to fall in love with someone who will never love me back
I want to scream on the top of my lungs and still have no one hear me
I want to be ignored by those I want to listen
I want to fall down and feel like I'll never get back up
I want you to rip holes in my skin and leave me alone to bleed out
I want you to break every bone in my body and leave me with nothing but my ruined soul
people say it's so ****** up to be afraid,
to be hurting
but when you come home alone
and have nothing left but old photos and texts that still make you tear up
all you have is pain
if you're never hurt, you aren't living
and ******* I'd rather be in pain, then feel nothing at all
just a reminder that pain isn't always a bad thing and proves  you're alive
 Aug 2014 JLF
Harley Ginsberg
now waking up is hard to do
and sleeping is impossible too
anything I try I cannot do

I'll never find somebody new
and if I did I wouldn't stay true
cause I'm too broken without you

I try and swallow my pride but I can't seem to chew
cause I won't let go of what's left of you
I wipe my tears but they still continue

I need to love someone new
but the real question is, who?

I'll never let go of you
I'll never let go of you
I'll never let go of what's left of you
just a short something I wrote when I was bored
 Aug 2014 JLF
James Joyce
All day I hear the noise of waters
Making moan,
Sad as the sea-bird is when, going
Forth alone,
He hears the winds cry to the water's

The grey winds, the cold winds are blowing
Where I go.
I hear the noise of many waters
Far below.
All day, all night, I hear them flowing
To and fro.
 Aug 2014 JLF
 Aug 2014 JLF
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy
To many this has always been an unsolved Mystery

JFK was shot in Dallas, Texas on the 22 of November
We are still mourning him, and will always remember

Abraham Zapruder had no idea what he'd be filming
Would be under scrutiny by the public for viewing

Some said the shots came from the grassy knoll
Where they came from no one will ever know

Jackie Kennedy in terrible shock, crawled out onto the limousine
She could not recall doing this, when the Secret Service Intervened

Walter Cronkite reported this shocking news to us in tears
And in all his years of work, he will forever be revered

Jackie in her blood stained suit stood beside Lyndon B. Johnson
When he took the oath of office to be next president of our nation

Oswald told the world that he was a patsy
Jack Ruby shooting him on TV was ghastly

Life Magazine chronicled the events
Filling each page with all JFK contents

To this day there still are reenactments and movies
And everyone like me still feels this is newsworthy

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