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 Jul 2017 Josh
Life can be
Such a mess
So get out there
And do your best

You fell down
Well, get back up
I never meant
To be so rough

The world is fast
And it ain't fair
Love is hard
And it's cold out there

Life can be such a mess
It's up to you
To do your best...
 Jul 2017 Josh
Lending an Ear
 Jul 2017 Josh
Friendships come and friendships go,
some may wither, some may grow.

Some die from a careless word
and some from rumors one has heard.

Some fail when "connections" die
and some die from a toxic lie.

But some are nurtured from the start
by "fertilizer" from the heart,

loyalty and "being there"
when others fail, when they should care.

So, as a friend I'd truly be
always listening, if you need.
For a friend that's going through a tough divorce...
 Jul 2017 Josh
Akira Chinen
I've laughed the good laugh
and I've giggled and snorted
and I've loved and been loved
beyond fear
and beyond beauty
and I've been broken
and shattered
and lost and found a reason
to laugh the good laugh again
despite the pain and misery of life
and I've been stupid
and done stupid
and I'm not done with my own stupidity yet
and I'll laugh at the joke of my unfunny life
and I'll laugh with death
at the end of it all
and it will be a good laugh
at a good life that had been filled
with good love
and good misery
and good company
that knew how to laugh
and giggle and snort
despite the pain and suffering
of living a good life
 Jul 2017 Josh
 Jul 2017 Josh
Our hands,
they tangle as if
in prayer in
the religion that is
our love.
I don't know if I'll keep this or delete this
 Jul 2017 Josh
Harry Roberts
My body burns still,
How could you turn
When I yearn still.

Life is a lesson,
Guess I got to learn still.
Burnt-out but I burn still.

Lust disguises Love
And Hate Sings loudly,
Broke me - like tobacco smoke me.  but you still stand proudly.

You should still love yourself,
Even if I resent every twist and fold,
Before one warms they must feel cold.

But I still love you,
**** it's true I still love you.
Still I walk paths that are new.
Written after a night shift. Love to
 Jul 2017 Josh
The Dreamers
 Jul 2017 Josh
We are the dreamers
We are who imagine a better reality
We turn our ideas over to, or become, the inventors.
We build our worlds and never want to escape
We don't pretend we are sane.
To watch us is to see a blank canvas
But to look in our eyes and mind is to see a world of color.
We imagine the impossible
Nothing is too far out of reach in our mind
But we are the dreamers
And we fear reality.
It's never as amazing as in our dreams...
Dreamers get nightmares
They are, after all, another kind of dream
Reality is the base of our nightmares.
What if I got in trouble? What if they didn't like me?! What if I forgot to wear pants to school?!?
Nightmares are apart of being a dreamer.
We create our own realities
Because our real reality is what we fear.
We stay up late, and dream while we're awake.
Because to fall asleep would be to subject to our fears of reality and hate.
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