I have the world
I have touched God
felt his breath on the back of my neck while I dove in and out of the clearest night skies known to any man, living or dead
I have drank euphoria down with certain privilege
and here I stand in the middle of this hot room,
sweat marks lining a ***** and greyed night shirt
legs wrapped in clinging and cheap black fabric
covered in dog hairs, cat fur and spilt milk
I can smell it souring with my negligence
I stand here sweating, shaking
I repeat
over and over and over
"I need a doctor"
"I need a doctor"
"I need a doctor"
"I need a doctor"
"I need a doctor"
I cannot stop
and my chest will not do me the the honour
to heave with tears and gasps
draining itself of sickness
it is wound like an overcompensating clock
around itself
and collapsing into me
and too quickly
I stand here
I watch my oily, reddening face bring swollen eyes that modest salted water drips from,
like an unkept tap
I need a doctor
my mind has collapsed onto itself
a Victorian home with roaches climbing in and out of softened floorboards
a feast on what remains