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 Jan 2020 Hopeless Outlet
 Jan 2020 Hopeless Outlet
on the loneliest of nights
the cicadas filled the silence

and when they go away
the thought of you sinks back in

love is clumsy
love is loud

and if this isn’t love
why can’t i hear anything else other than you
Each tick of the clock gets louder.
Needed to get your face out of my head.
Tested and tormented every time.
The infatuated thoughts fill my head.

Why do you keep doing this to me?.
Bring me to my knees just for fun.
My pain is your thrill and you love it.
Sleep brings me no peace.

Tossing and turning.
Some things should never be rekindled.
Some love needs to die.
Why can't you just let these feelings die.

Your an infatuation.
Your the torment I am sick of feeling.
This maybe a game of chess.
But I am done playing.

Just go and forget me forever.
Don't look for me in someone else.
And if you just hurt me this could be easy
But you've been nothing but true
Your truth is just that you don't love me
Nearly as much as I've loved you

And so I have to go.
He invades every piece of my writing, and I can't help but be inspired by the way he marches through my psyche.
I miss him

But I miss the him that used to look at me, and saw nothing less than his galaxy.
I have so much love in my heart for you, all I can do is write about it.
And when the time comes my tears won't be falling like rain for it will be warm tea and fresh honey streaming down my cheeks.
I hope one day I will bathe in sunflowers
I'm tired of the dead leaves that burden my body, they soak in like fresh coconut on my skin.
I sit underwater where time stops for a second, and I am at peace.
I hope one day I can run into rushing waterfalls without begging for that moment of altered reality.
I hope one day I bathe in roses instead of my sorrows.
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