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 Jul 2014 Farnok
A C Leuavacant
Do you remember
The flagship's contender?
The rolling cold waves by the dock
And she herself was the sender
So did you attend her
Last day of rest by the rock?

She'd written you notes
passed by sailors on boats  
But you would just sit there and cry
As she sat feeding the goats
With barley and oats
While you watched from your tower in the sky

And she didn't forget
The first time you'd met
By the lake house with dusk's tender fall
And her kiss was a threat
That put you in debt
When you told her that she was your all

Her undying love letter
Didn't make you feel better
As you knew you were claimed by the sea
How could you let her
Become your love debtor
When you knew that it never could be

When you returned
Your stomach it turned  
As you stared at her home by the lake
And her father confirmed
Of what you already had learned
That her death was your cold mistake

On her funeral day
You had nothing to say
Clutching the letters she wrote in your fist
And you couldn't stay
you'd lead her astray
But loved her from the moment you kissed
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Alyanne Cooper
I pulled an all-nighter.
For an insomniac
That doesn't seem like
Such a great thing,
But there's a difference.
Staying up all night
Because I can't fall asleep
Is immensely different
From staying up
Because I'm trying not to sleep.
And you know that as an insomniac
I love sleep
Because it's so fleeting
Like whispers of wind
Slipping through my fingers--
Practically impossible to grasp!
And despite this...

I pulled an all-nighter
*Because I was waiting for you.
 Jul 2014 Farnok
A C Leuavacant
You may feel like you're on top
Like a golden drop
On a dragons tongue
That sits on a throne
Of heart strings
Protecting her  
From the blind archer's bow
He has that heroic sick grin
Of he that has been chosen
To slay the horrid beast
Prepared to destroy such a beauty
Simply to obtain a shiny new title
How can it be?

But then
Under the mountain
Minstrels sing and dance
Chorus erupts
As the king and queen's
malicious grins
Last long enough to fill an army
With twisted sick madness
And I must admit
That even I
Am filled with excitement
At the thought
of a fairytale uprising
With dragon's heads on spears
And murderous knights
on silver thrones
And It's easy to forget
How wicked we can be
Especially when times are good
And we feel
Oh so great about ourselves

But think about the others
The pained and the dying
Those who live their lives in fear
And when you forget
That a click of the fingers
Can change one's life
It's so easy
To feel so bright and good  
And get into that bad habit
Of loosing ourselves
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Alyanne Cooper
Surrounded by people
Who've known me all my life
And yet not labeled "my family",
I can't help but feel alone.
Though we laugh and cavort
In companionable glee
The fact that they don't know
The unmasked me
Saddens my hermit-yet-lonely heart.
I can sit alone in a full room
And feel the same as if it were empty
For the level of empathy,
Understanding, and knowing
Never changes, never grows.
It stays at zero zero point zero.
Like the monotone screech
Of a lifeless heart on the monitor
Never fluctuating up or down,
I sit here unknown, unconnected,
 Jul 2014 Farnok
Generic Name
"Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn."
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