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 Oct 2018 Amber Lindley
Alexis A
Where can I go
When I'm feeling alone
All of my usual places
Are being destroyed
My blade,
It has been taken away
The toilet,
It's being monitored
My binges,
Well what's the point
when you have to keep it in

There's no where else to go
But I can't keep it in
I want to swallow a few pills
Just to free myself
I'm tired of life
But I can't tell anyone
Or do anything
Where can I go
Same as the two before this. I'm super stressed.
She shoots
she scores
she cheats
what a *****.

Her veins on fire, envy pierce her eyes
always on her mind, creeping in her sleep
lingering as she wakes, following
a trail of lies, deceit, guilt
a pain of a plan, pin in her hand,
blood fills the needle
a miss, can't feel the bliss.

a narrow tunnel, holding on to faith,
some hope, an ex lover knocks on her door
yearning for more, so much more,
between the sheets, then sleep

Kiss goodbye, time passes
her new found lover
says he loves her
and she says in back.

Retraction, a curse a spell
scared to say the wrong name
when she makes love,
is it truly love?

If it was, why is she searching for drugs?
 Sep 2018 Amber Lindley
i love attention
particularly the male kind
they make it easy
play a damsel
with pouty lips
feed their egos
with soft lies
let 'em play hero
with heart strings
keep their attention
with ****-me eyes
i'm in need of attention
dude idk *** this is
Lips so red
Corpse so blue
Lips whispers quite
Corpse remains silent
Lips cry in despair
Corpse doesn't care
Lips become still
Corpse welcomes her will
Death by ******, death by chance,
Death by secret night romance,
Death by number, paint the liner,
Death in colour or black and white,
Accidental, planned prolonged,
Death by always doing wrong,
Death by self, a timeless art,
Death by one last broken heart.
Cremate me, please
and sprinkle my ashes,

                    pinch by pinch
.                               on strippers' eyelashes.
 Apr 2018 Amber Lindley
I am obsessed with death
And all of her clichés
The slick sharp sickle scythe
Planter’s tool of reaping
Taking and keeping
The souls of all
The black hooded robe
Kind of monkish
Simplistic style
The anorexic
Boney figure
Badass bleached bones

But death is not that poetic
It is messy
Brown stained draws
From last evacuation
Pools of red
Dead is dead
There is more art in living
Than there is in dying
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