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 Jun 2018 Elizabethanne
James R
Can  the      tho ugt
Oft  his        bet hat
The  ide       als sit
For  all         toh ear
Yet  sim       ply die

Ise  eit         now how
you  exp    ose and
cry  ing      out  sti
fle  tha       twh ich
cou  ld1     day fly

Ifo  nly      you had
not  bee    ngi ven
suc  hch    anc eto
inf  ect      mym ind

Tra  gic      ast tra
ffi  cfi         lls the
air  bli       ndo pen
you  ree    yes tof
ind  thi      sto bet
A fragmented poem inspired by a long journey.
 Jun 2018 Elizabethanne
I used to convince myself you only crossed my mind when it was swimming in liquor-
and that-
well that’d be okay,
‘cause even I can’t control where my mind wanders when my body is made up of more ***** than water,
but if I’m being honest you’re on my mind, even in the middle of a dry county.
But, just so you know when I shoot a text out of the blue in the middle of the night-
I’m not expecting you to reply,
it’s just me, letting you know, you’re still on my mind.
I’d say right person at the wrong time, but you don’t believe in soulmates
 Jun 2018 Elizabethanne
 Jun 2018 Elizabethanne
slowly forms the phantom
expanding and consuming
it drips all over me

tender and mundane
the specter merges
flesh collides with flesh
warm and foreign

unconsciously summoning the tides
suffocating, they sweep you under
and you wonder
what it was you did
to deserve it

this bed is empty
i think it was something i said
the breakup suite - duster
 Jun 2018 Elizabethanne
a friend
 Jun 2018 Elizabethanne
and then all of the sudden,

she wears crumbs of roses on her cheeks like
it's nothing,

she wears angel's dust on her eyes like
it's nothing,

she wears clothing that

waltzes around her waists

and whispers around her ******* like
it's nothing,

she wears King Tut's bangles
on the tips of her ears like
it's nothing,

and now
she wears me on her hip
dangling at the tip of a single polished nail, like
i'm nothing,

we're nothing


i'm nothing.
it was nice while it lasted
 Jun 2018 Elizabethanne
Jack and Jill went up the hill to pop a pack of pills,
Jack went laughing boy and Jill came down after,
Party boy and Party girl drinking the kool-aid.

******* Jill was what she was known as while Jack was Jillin around,these two made a mess and both came down after the other.

They got so high that they came, went and came again.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to pop a pack of pills and ended up blowing their load all over town, left their samples in parkside restrooms, brain sugar and high cavity.

Jack and Jill ****** off in the alley way behind the racist pharmacist, they made a right mess.

Jack got jacked and Jill got off, the come down burns.
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