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 Jun 2018 Elizabethanne
give me a first time once again
give me a first shot at love again
give me a first before i relive my last
give me a present instead of giving me a past
طلع البدر علينا
Locksmith, locksmith please help me
Yes, yes dear, but not right here
I have an order to prepare a key
To get a large amount of fee
The keys of loss, I am the key's boss
This is the first order of my job
Hope this works without a flop
Ok, locksmith never let this rest
And all the best! !
Your carelessness is my business
~ Locksmith

In Livorno, I touched the wings
of a silky butterfly which had come
to join me at the table.
I had only meant to feel its beauty
but my coarse fingers damaged
delicate wings.
It tried to fly but lost height and
landed in my beer glass; fished it
out but only damaged it more
on an iron table painted summer
green, beside a vase of scented  
flowers a fragile life ended.
I sit here inhaling slowly and exhaling even slower
It's been months since I last seen you, months since I last heard from you
But that's not supposed to bother me right?
And you know what? I hate that it does.
I hate missing you and I hate knowing I will probably never have that chance again.
I hate the way our memories send chills down my spine and I hate the way I feel.
You're forbidden to me, forever lost.
Forever reminiscing on how we were, on how you constantly made me feel.
You don't even know how you made me feel because I kept so much away, covering up all my feelings by using other people. Hiding away the truth from anyone knowing, even you.
See, you've only witnessed a fraction of how much I cared.
I fooled everyone right?
And now.. I sit here, my heart hammering in my chest trying to convince myself, 'push the feelings away please!' they can't matter anymore.
But in the end, to me at least, they do.
day’s dagger struck deep,
hot,white, blood splashes on  earth;
run to night’s shelter!
I am wilderness set out in stone
a journey never taken to its end.
You were hope and a wayward glance
remembering all that was cast.
(is paved with good intentions)
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