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 May 2020 Eleni
Carlo C Gomez
You and I,
we floated upon
clouds of cotton candy,
felt the warmth
of the butterscotch sun,
and with eyes tightly closed,
we kissed each other
like wishful stars of sugar.

It's a crying shame
our parachutes failed to open...
Sun rolls down
Weaves a multicoloured carpet
Fades away in the fringes
It’s dark

Being placed
At such a height
Overlooking the majestic Sarovar Dam
Musing at the distant past
Hands by the sides
Never forgotten
The Iron Man
For the world to see
Statue of unity
 Nov 2019 Eleni
Pagan Paul
 Nov 2019 Eleni
Pagan Paul
So feint the rhythm of life,
a weak pulse seeking to hide,
the smell of fresh rain coming,
as clouds build high on the side.
Long waiting for cool moisture,
the promise is close at hand,
teasing out the breaking heart,
the rhythm of life unplanned.

© Pagan Paul (28/07/19)
 Nov 2019 Eleni
Pagan Paul
Lay me down upon the moss,
cover me with autumn leaves,
rest my body in the forest
to be swallowed by the trees,
and let the fleeting moments
whisper my name to the breeze,
as the cool earth welcomes me,
let me go with comfortable ease.

© Pagan Paul (27/10/19)
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