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  May 2016 Eleanor
Just Me R
Sorrow is when your angel weeps for your soul.
Because you gave up and became cold
Eleanor May 2016
I'm lost in a sea of forever
Nothing to hold on to me
Waves toppling the serenity
Ever going where the tide takes
Eleanor May 2016
Add me to your list of things you love
Keeping you in my dreams so my head stays above
The viscious seas of misery
And below the clouds of sorrow
Keep me in reality
Or to the stars I'll go

I drift away into noiseless screaming torture
Tormented by my mind and things that are misnomer
Space and time and lonely rhymes
Every year and season
Every day they laugh and lie
And convince me I have no reason

Hold me in your arms so tight and snug
Keep me back til I feel safe and loved
Hearts held together by nothing else other
Than love strewn in strings
Soon enough we'll be together
In simple harmony
  May 2016 Eleanor
Ocean Blue
A desert between us?
Only in your dreams.
Your longing?
Reciprocal, it seems.
Your heart ache?
Nothing compared to mine.
My promises?
Rare and always held.
Your smile?
Bright sunray
Throughout my day.
Your heart beats?
My earthquakes.
Your verses,
Daily narcotics.
My horizon?
Just to love you,
On and on.
  May 2016 Eleanor
Max C Styles
I don't know how it came to be
To have so many holes in me
But here I cry
By and by
Bleeding from the heart
Where so many rivers start.

I cannot explain
This inexorable pain
As I cross this river Styx
Wondering how I'd come to this
But here I am
****** and Dammed
Crying cold tears
Wondering what fate nears.

I remain here with the ferryman
Wondering how I was ever a merry man.
Crying my tears of blood
Just as any man would.
Touched so high in grace
****** for all my race.
So burning is this torment
Yet cold, silent, and dormant.

But I am no betrayer.         No, Not yet
No sin increases my fare

Charon does not bring me to that gate
But rather back home to finish my fate.
For I am not dead
And it is not living that I dread.
I have only been shown this torture
So I may avoid it in future.
I have no place in that weeping forest
Just as Dante, I was but a tourist.
But so my sorrow deep and cold
Should not permeate into my old
But rather it shall remain
a past pain.

O I shall remember
these such foul members
But it is that which makes me
Not breaks me.
These are that which become me
For I shall not succumb to these.
And so these folds shall make me
Till I feels these holes,
These rivers in my heart,
These tears of blood,
This passing of the laurel,
These faults within my ore,
No longer.
  May 2016 Eleanor
I dont know how to undo what ive done
The click of a button and suddenly I'm lost
Sweating and swearing wanting to run
Wishing there was a way out of this mess..

Soon you'll know just how i feel
The suspense is killing me... waiting...
My mind is spinning i wish this wasn't real
The seconds turn to minutes.. hours.. and days.

Why haven't you responded? Was it really that bad?
Love isn't such a terrible thing to confess...
But now I've lost the only friend I've ever had..
What is wrong with me, I should've left it alone.

Now years have gone and i cant get it out of my head
Searching for you and praying that you return
I take back everything I ever said..
Tricking my mind to believe the feelings are gone.

You're gone for good there's no denying
Funny how its a pattern.. people leaving..
Now wondering if all along they were lying
Just to torture you with their friendship...
Eleanor May 2016
How long must I wait for this tragedy to end
The perfect world not what it seems
Having it all as some may think
Lost in an unforgivable back bend

Hidden inside the hollow shell of my world
There's nothing left in me
There's nothing left to see
On the outside only seen as a girl

Breaking apart and falling to pieces
Always alone in the dark
nothing to start up a spark
The cold air surrounding me with noises

Perfect none
Away from the sun
And I will never come home

— The End —