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601 · Apr 2014
Who is God?
Don't Exist Apr 2014
God is the one who created the universe
The one who created us mere mortals
We are nothing without god aren't we?
But that is only partially true
God is nothing without us
without it's creations it can't exist
as what it creates shows its values
and when there is no value
it does not exist
so who is truly god?
It is definitely not us
A simple poem
581 · Apr 2014
Eternal Door
Don't Exist Apr 2014
When they look at me they see right pass me.

Yep, right pass me, right through the soul.

They see a ghost, a shadow.

Someone with mediocre tendencies.

or perhaps weirdness that cloats my physical body.

the mysteriousness of my personality choke them with fear and bewilderment.

only a few is able to encounter the lock door.

Yes, only a few is able to knock on the door with no ****.

Some are patient, waiting for it to open.

Others look at it with contempt and kick on it.

Some becomes frustrated and insane

Others celebrate it, being naive to the feeling of the door.

And everyday the door locks itself tightly.

17 bolts and locks

17 chains and plates

but no ****……

eventually the environment vitalize and degrades constantly.

a different environment each time

but the old door keeps on standing

waiting for it to be open……
I wrote this poem a week ago. I was very depressed.(also I'm a amateur in poetry)
Don't Exist Apr 2014
They say that a close mouth don't get fed
That if you don't ask for something you don't eat
People especially say this statement to me
As I'm a very passive person
Each time they would get mad at me for not speaking up
But then in my thoughts I would say..

" A close mouth don't get fed.Well I'm not desiring food.I'm desiring understanding.That's how I want to get fed.I can live without food for a month, But I can not live a week without understanding"

But of course I don't say anything
I just nodded my head constantly
pretending to hear the ignorant lecture
learning how to keep my mouth open
when that open mouth will gobble everything up out of greediness
till there is nothing more to eat
while at the same time learning to keep my mouth shut
and listen to other people without getting fed
A simple poem
Don't Exist Aug 2014
If the darkness was gone?
If all the demonic presences of Earth vanish?
If the world was crowded with Angels?

Who will teach us to not be greedy?
To be thankful of the things that we receive?
Who would show us the great values of Love and Justice?

Who would be our saviors?
Who will lead us to the path of light and righteousness?
Who will help us to learn the importance of cleansing our sins?

If the darkness was gone?
If all the demonic presences of Earth vanish?
If the world was crowded with Angels....​
A simple poem
461 · Apr 2014
Poectic Expectatons
Don't Exist Apr 2014
Why do I create poetry?
Why am I sitting in this bed/couch, typing poetry into this website?
What is the  purpose of this?
Am I lonely?
Am I expecting someone to praise me for my poetic abilities?
Am i searching for acceptance, acceptance in a community to people who don't know me?
Why in the outside world do I hide my poetics talents from people,
But become bold enough to post my poems for everyone to see?
Am I really that insecure?
Why do I keep checking on my email seeing how many people are commenting on my poetry?
About how many people are following me ?
About how many like my poems?
Why do I keep on going to different websites posting my poetry where it can get stolen?

Well, because I love poetry
And that's that.
Sorry If I post too many poems. This site is great for holding poems
398 · Apr 2014
The Branches's Shadow
Don't Exist Apr 2014
I saw the branches shadow
the branches that was blocking the harsh sun
I look down
people surrounding me seem to ignore the shadows
but I didn't
I kneel down to look closely
It shadow branches starts to move, i'm startled
It was only the breeze of the wind
There were less people now on the sidewalk
I sat down
A scene began to play on the floor
I seen a bird that was perching on the tree
I saw squirrels fighting for nuts
I saw a butterfly land on one of the branches
I even saw a lion

I immediately look up
It wasn't there, i was intensely relax
I started to feel the cold in the air
I pull my jacket closely around me
I finally look down at the sidewalk
the branches were gone
the show was over
it was night time
I got up from my spot
and placed a dollar on one of the branches
and as I began to leave I anticipated what the next show was going to be.
A simple poem

— The End —