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 Dec 2014 Alexandria Hope
do not date a girl
who writes.
she will internalize
carve poems
into your eyelashes
instead of
kissing them,

she will analyze you,
calculate age
from the rings
your coffee cup
instead of refilling it.

she will memorize
the way your
lips curl around steam,
but not that you
take it
two sugars,
no cream.

she will read your
palm instead of
holding it
against her chest.

she will not
when you leave,
because she is
romanticizing it.
 Dec 2014 Alexandria Hope
There is no whiskey in his room tonight...

There is a half-empty glass of-
Rock shandy, Pepsi-cola, Dr.Pepper,
Or something black.
Something minuscule,
even though he has not sipped from it.
He has not looked at it- his tongue
Was only dry for two minutes before he
Locked the door.
For the only presence that made it hard for him to swallow
Was in the form of something that he was still trying to release...
at 2AM.
Release at 2AM.
There is a typewriter in front of him and he is feeling as permeable as
The glass that is sitting next to it.
'as permeable if it had a closed lid made up out of carbon' he thinks.
'Closed lid', 'Carbon',
'Closed lid'
He does not know what to type.
As distance diminished it's existence throughout the years,
He began to realize that Letters were starting to transform themselves
Into Diary-Entries and vice-versa.
The art of belittling seclusion through the method of fictionalizing himself
Was turning more into a hobby than an art and
he did not know what to do except to accept it as a tragedy
That nobody else needed to know about.
"Tragedy:" he types.
"I don't know how to forget about you."
'And etcetera,' he thinks.
In his minds eye he sees a girl in a school far away.
She's holding a camera and a textbook and a picture of a boy
That isn't him.
She's walking into her new life and one day she will go a week without
Thinking about how it feels to know interest and feel it shared
from someone who thought it never existed.
One day she will go a week without thinking about the boy who stared at empty pages
And wrote letters about bitter meals that his tongue thought could never be tasted.
One day she will go a week with just the thought of how glamorous a life spent alone is...
Before she meets someone there...
Who will make her taste something that is less bitter than him himself.
'I hope that's where my story ends.' He thinks.
And then imagines himself embedded into
Dark bitter things.
(Tobacco, caffeine, dark chocolate.)
He sighs and stares at the words he has already typed.
He can imagine these bitter things spilling into his glass and changing its taste with each
little drop.
"You were dead to me before you even walked out of the door..." He decides,
And puts it onto the paper.
He lifts the glass and takes a sip and then puts it back down again.
'One day she will go a week without thinking about me..."  He thinks.
Release at 2AM.
The trees are letting the dead things go
And I miss you more than you'll ever know
Crunchy leaves beneath my feet
But I still don't feel complete
Icy windows glistening in the dark
Cold and frozen like your heart
I love you but I don't like you a lot
I've written a list of the things you're not:
Patient, funny, wise or kind
Clever, caring, tactful or mine.
Spread my branches and get rid of the old,
This is the last lie from you I'm going to be told.
Wrap me in crinkled paper. In cotton and leather. Feed me the finest fruit.
Give me Magnolia. Lilies. Anything but a rose. Build me something with wood. Something I can keep close to me. With iron legs and copper hands. Sour candy and wool. Woven with fingers covered in clay. A willow tree watching. Standing still like a tin man. Turn him to steel. He will ask you for silk. Lace too. He is more than a man. A beast. He is crystal clear. Like China, covered in a thick layer of dust. On a silver screen. A woman in pearls. Hidden deep under the sea, surrounded by corral. Paint me ruby red, dip me in sapphire.  
We were golden. Diamonds were supposed to be forever. Look at us now. We still play games. What if? Regret. Resent.
There's nothing here. Just you and I. And I'm air. So really, it's just you here.
"You are worthless my dear. There is not enough liquor in the world to hold me to you. Even with a heavy grip around your wrists."
Slip. Disappear.
 Nov 2014 Alexandria Hope
Tears streamed down her face
As blood ran down her wrists.
Lately she had been feeling out of place,
trying to comprehend how her life had come to this.
Her grey eyes, that were filled with sadness and pain,
Met with the piece of metal that had won the battle again.
She takes a deep breath,
As her anxiety kicked in
And all her thoughts became one; death.

She dropped the empty bottle of pills
And, slowly, took herself to bed
feeling the numb and emptiness in her build,
Her bracelets were now covered in red.

The once sweethearted girl
Who used to wear a genuine smile,
Became weakened by the world
And gave into a permanent decision because she couldn't hold on for another while.

She closed her eyes
And listened to the rain,
That began to lightly pour outside her bedroom window,
And started to feel less and less of the pain.
She slowly drifted into a deep slumber,
As her breaths became distant dying sounds over the incoming thunder
The dream boy I want
or no, should I say the man
yes, he's a man, a grown one
his age left boyhood 8 years ago
but his demeanor says otherwise. (sometimes)

I already have him.

He's not very tall, only beat me by a slim
3 inches
and his crooked fingers from
breaking all them
fit nicely into mine
a broken jigsaw puzzle.

he wears a flat cap like an Irish newspaper boy
maybe it's because he's from potato famine land

His breath lingers of cigs
and alcohol
with his grade-A Alfie Neuman smile
and oh god, those everlasting deep dimples
how can i forget to mention those pacific ocean eyes
corazón de oro

everything leaves me in awe
take me
take me
take me
love me

we'd have the same initials if we married

but all i want now is just to be able to
super bad but i don't really care. having writers block lately so decided to do the trending challenge
 Oct 2014 Alexandria Hope
Should I be happy 'cause we're friends
or should I cry 'cause that's all we're ever gonna be
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