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 Jun 2018 DaniBella
 Jun 2018 DaniBella
some mornings i wake up, and getting out of bed that day takes normal effort.
other mornings i’m unable to keep my eyes closed because my brain spent all night coming up with new ideas, so the second the sun hits my face, my feet are on the ground running.
the mornings where sleep was my friend the night before are the hardest, though. when sleep fogs my brain, eight hours is a fraction of the amount of time it is willing to accept, and those morning are spent fading in and out from sudden noise, and rude awakening attempts, and the moment i decide to give up on sleep, is the moment i give up on the day in its entirety.
i was crying on the back porch when i wrote this, after being woken up for the 4th time that morning by my mother. i’m sure she didn’t understand that prior to that night, i hadn’t slept in almost 4 days... my mania was not her fault, yet i put all the blame on her that morning.
the sun drips
yellow yolk

the gold knots
of my spine
breathe the first of Spring days
the radio plays our favorite song

i see you backwards
all the times we had

the sky is blue, the lake is blue
your eyes are blu
and they say i look like your
oh gods. help me
i can’t feel anything
except you
and everything here is you
Edit: Thanks everybody! I didn’t realize this was a daily until later.
 Jun 2018 DaniBella
Hailey Piper
I’ve saved a spot in my heart for you.
If you’re ever lost and need a warm home.
This spot is everlasting.
Throughout the years to come
and all the potential lovers I will roam.
A piece of me,
to call your very own.
 Jun 2018 DaniBella
Lewis Gray
 Jun 2018 DaniBella
Lewis Gray
My Paper is a blank reflection of myself waiting for my words to paint it in
its purest form
to show the world who I really am
and its never actually something that i want to read

— The End —