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bright and brilliant
is what you are.
empowering and
majestic in every way

i could try to
escape, but you
flow faster than
my legs can sprint
and you'd end up in my
path again.

i could stare
into you forever
and find a new color
in your eyes
every time.

i could listen to
your voice on end
and never
grow weary of the
stories that spill.

you are hot
and boiling magma
racing towards me;
threatening my well-being,
but you have me too
in awe to flee.

faster and faster
you trickle in
my direction
down the
mountainside volcano.

then you reach me
and I'm buried and
burned under beautiful
****** lava that is you.
We would all have come to a point,
where we are just so done putting on masks,
to conceal of whom we are,
what we feel.

And we go on living our lives,
as if nothing much had happen,
that the scars in hands doesn't sting,
that the room is darker than the immortal night.

Questions not asked,
and answers never to be revealed,
uncertainty is definitely thick in the air,
and so albeit the tension.

But how do feelings overcome insecurities of the heart?
How do we live on to everyday's life as no roller coaster ride has happened?
To feel on the verge of a thin rope,
feeling all at once that the rope may snap.

*Why do I still put on a mask,
and tell myself lies?
feeling the verge in jumping a cliff of no tomorrow and I am so sick of having to put on a mask everyday.
Standing still
Looking to your fill
As life hurtles around
Change the only thing profound

Every minute
Every moment
Something is different
Yet everything so very same

Set in bronze
The sitting man gathers dust
Staring through unblinking eyes
Changing as he rusts

One day
So different from the other
Changes bursting at the seams
Dreaming different dreams

Experiencing the high
And the very low
Understanding our bond
That everyday grows

Change is unpredictable
It is inevitable
It creeps into the life with a snug fit
There is something just unchangeable about it.
Death or deterioration
Which is more painful to see?
To watch a candle melt away
Into a puddle of itself
Or to wake up one day and the flame be gone.

Death or deterioration
Which is more painful to see?
To know the storm is coming
And live in endless cloudy days
Or to wake up during a flood that washed your loved one away.

Death or deterioration
Which is more painful to see?
To know the Reaper is coming
And live in constant fear
Or to wake to the smell of sulfur that let's you know he's been there.

Death or deterioration
I don't know which I'd choose
Because no matter which fight you fight
In the end you're still gonna lose.
Just a few words about living with a terminal parent.
Inspired by a quote from my friend Alexandra Shaw
I'm battling my own demons while at the same time fighting off hers
like a prince slaying dragons for the princess
she never asked you to, but you do it anyways
don't get me wrong
she's no damsel in distress
she's her own knight in toughest armor
but you're still there
to pull the sword from the stone
when she just can't find the strength
to kiss her awake
when she can't get herself out of bed
to free her from whatever tower
she's locked up inside of
because my life may not be a fairytale
but I'll be ****** if I don't make hers feel like one.

I never knew what true happiness was until my lips met yours.
I never knew how high I could fly
Until you whispered my name.
Luna. Luna.
I never knew what sorrow could really be.
Until I lost you.
You left me in a haze. Left me gasping. Wanting anything I could hold onto.
I never knew what love could be.
Until I met you. Distance so far.
Yet our hearts so close.
Is this a dream?
Or are you my last nightmare?

There is another Loneliness
That many die without—
Not want of friend occasions it
Or circumstances of Lot

But nature, sometimes, sometimes thought
And whoso it befall
Is richer than could be revealed
By mortal numeral—
Today I am two days of unwashed hair
I am the comfort of the couch without pillows
I am the floorboards holding sunlight
I am fuzzy teeth and white lies
I am the carpet that needs vacuuming
I am my mother in the garden,
And my father working downstairs,
I am the sunburn on my chest,
Like the heart on my sleeve,
Born from foolishness instead of courage
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