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Not lies
I would never
Be anything but
To you

I felt my life with both my hands
To see if it was there—
I held my spirit to the Glass,
To prove it possibler—

I turned my Being round and round
And paused at every pound
To ask the Owner’s name—
For doubt, that I should know the Sound—

I judged my features—jarred my hair—
I pushed my dimples by, and waited—
If they—twinkled back—
Conviction might, of me—

I told myself, “Take Courage, Friend—
That—was a former time—
But we might learn to like the Heaven,
As well as our Old Home!”
 Apr 2014 Derrick Twidwell
I am just a dandelion
pretending to be a
"I wandered lonely as a cloud"
When you love something,
You risk your sanity
You lose your ability to reason with a sound mind
Love takes over and is unyielding when it comes to the head and heart.
The path of logic is a clear road with hardly any obstacles
The path of love is unknown to the outside eye
It's unpredictable in every way
You could go down that path and never make it to the other side
Is it worth, to pick love over logic?
You have to decide for yourself.
If you choose the path of logic,
You are almost guaranteed a safe and clear cut journey
But oh, what an adventure love is
If you choose the path of love, you could find your worst fear;
Experience the worst pain you've ever felt in your life
Or you could stumble upon everything you've ever wanted
Is it worth it?

I'm going to counter my own statement and say that in my opinion, when it comes to love you need to include even just a small amount of logic to the equation. Life isn't as clearly divided and the choices you make and how you act are the same. In the long haul, love brings you more than logic. Logic will get you where you want to go and will take you the safe route, but love incorporates a whole other world into the mix. So try to find the balance between the two. C:
The past I can't remember
The future I can't see
The here and now if I think about
Only confuses me

Where does that tend leave me
Besides a limbo state of mind
If I dig to deep inside of me
Afraid of what I'll find

I get out my shovel anyways
And if curiosity kills the cat
I'll toss it in the hole I dug
Then that will be the end of that

Because the past is long forgotten
With a future yet to come
I'll just take the hear and now
And continue playing dumb
i've been to enough shows to know how people act
when I saw Three Days Grace, people seemed to
avoid each other at all costs
when I saw chevelle, the room was filled with nostalgia
however, I was far too young to understand
I just loved their music, and the way they arranged words
when I saw New Found Glory, I made a friend
People were goofy, fun to be around
when I saw Paramore, there was so many people
no one really cared to interact, but the one girl
who held my camera up for me because I'm not tall enough
when I saw of mice & men, with Bring Me The Horizon
everyone was so full of energy, and took care of each other
and in all these places, and being surrounded
by all these strangers
it all felt like family
i know this isn't exactly the TYPE of thing to write about or not something that most people would enjoy, but I adore going to shows, and so I kind of needed a little outlet to express my love for them haha

I didn't list all the bands I've seen live, I just listed my favorites.
 Mar 2014 Derrick Twidwell
Please just carefully pick up the jigsaw pieces of my heart on the floor.

Yes, I can put it back.
No matter, how much time etches into my very skin.

I just feel that if I can see the dust-motes on my shoes, I won't be able to get up again.

Just, please?

Please, also,
look at the little pieces too.

See your finger-prints on it; that was from the first time your fingertips kissed mine.

See that little memory crumpled and creased saying 'Hello?'

soft good-bye.

*Please, sweets?
Hello there!
Lovely to meet you, you and you!
How's your sunday going?
If one day I shall die from the pain of longing,
I know this love was worth-suffering.

And I won't regret counting days, as long as I could count them for You.
I won't regret making plans, as long as they lead me to the places where I could find myself in your everlasting arms.
The man when he fell in a manhole
To rescue him came not a kind soul
He cried himself hoarse for attention
If someone came gave him ascension
Help me help me he cried mad and wild
None came to stop no adult no child
Hours were gone the day turned a blur
Falling light told him night was not far
Despair ate him killing his hope
Wouldn’t come a hand holding a rope
When he was giving up on aid or redress
Shadowing his sky there appeared a face
The silhouette told him had come an angel
To fly him on wings raise him from the well
His hopes rekindled here was a kind soul
To end his plight lift him from the hole

From up the manhole spoke a deep voice
*Being in this mess was purely your choice
Your own carelessness has brought you ill luck
What was the need to take a hurried walk?
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