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 Feb 2015 Cnk
 Feb 2015 Cnk
Her eyes played me
Like soft chords on
An old violin,
And the sound produced
Would never sound as sweet,
As the song flowing from
Your piano key teeth.

There are harmonies in my heart,
And melodies in my veins.
If only you'd strum me
Three times more,
I'd blow into your trumpet lips,
And you'd buzz and you'd hum-
Dancing inside of my kiss.

I'll take this mallet,
And hammer away
At the contours of your spine
Like it were a xylophone,
Your body vibrates-
I flow to the sensual tone.

This is a symphony of few,
An orchestra of two,
And who needs instruments anyway-
When the music is made
by me and you?
 Feb 2015 Cnk
Ariel Baptista
Oh, she’s a killer
A knife-shaped *****
She’ll rip through your guts
In the rain-stained
Metro station
Down-town east-end
Blood spills on the bathroom floor
And she just smiles
And familiar
Walking along
Coffee in hand
Going to work
When she hits you fast
Black arrow to the eye-brow without warning
Stamped in the carpet
Cigarette-**** burned and bruised
And just when you thought you could be ok
**** you, Nostalgia!
You know just how to play me
Just where to slice me
All the right words
At all the wrong times
I’m a sucker for your curved blade
I wear your scars and curse your name
**** me quietly
I am always, only, ever yours.
 Jan 2015 Cnk
Tyler Lynn Pulliam
If she gathers enough sticks,
she'll be able to get the fire going real nice;
enough to see her hand
in front of her face for a change.

She's been scratching around in the dark,
wide-eyed and ravenous,
feeling the ground for wood
for what seems like hours.

Her fingers start to blister and sting
from the friction and the grinding
of her begging and pleading
for just one measly spark.

It's been like this since that day
when everything was still pretty nice
in her podunk town where she
was known as the black sheep.

That day, that day, in late April,
when she raised her hand up
stuck out her thumb and
blotted out the sun.

She woke up with dirt under her nails
and pulled a lock of hair out
that was starting to mat.
She went to sleep with dirt under her nails.

She went to sleep hungry
and now she chews on anything that moves
in the umbra that couldn't be too far
from where she used to live.

Dead leaf blankets-
"Are the trees still alive?
What did the forest smell like,
sound like, at high noon?"

"What were colors?
Light-lovers and their shrieking tears
filled with nostalgic longing for
magical, pretty un-black; privileges".

Sanctum in the murk.
She walks tonight, but not far.
"I am the mother of the moth,
and the sudden ritenuto".

) o ( ●
 Jan 2015 Cnk
kaylene- mary
 Jan 2015 Cnk
Peter Tanner
 Jan 2015 Cnk
Peter Tanner
This is the question that I ask.
To live away from her is my task.
But this is an impossible feat,
for my life without her is incomplete.
The times with her I cherish the most.
So being apart is like being on an opposite coast.
When I hold her in my arms,
it is just her and I safe from harm.
When I comfort her when sad,
it's like I protect her from all that is bad.
When I see her dance,
I'm so awed that I am entranced
When I hear her sing,
I sit back, close my eyes, and listen to the music ring.
From these things I am powerless to resist.
So thus she is sorely missed.
How can I stay away,
away from where my heart lay?
 Dec 2014 Cnk
 Dec 2014 Cnk
I do envy those who claim they have never been lonely. I envy that they have never felt that pain like I so often have. But I also pity them. I pity those who haven’t fallen to the lowest depths of human sadness. I pity those who have never climbed down the ladder of depression into the deepest well of suffering. Because if you haven’t experienced the misery, if you haven’t experienced the total absence of everything good, how can you expect to appreciate the joy?
They bang their golden gavels on the heads of the believers
In hopes the need for riches will awaken all the dreamers
I suppose there are good people, but most liars and deceivers
The irony? The good don't give a **** about you either
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