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Pressed between the pages
Of a novel never read,
Were some faded flow’rs picked in the spring
When love was at its head.  Saved
To capture memories,
(Like the flowers, faded now,)
And yet I smell the springtime,
And I feel the warmth somehow.
For first loves live eternal,
And though faded, stay quite real
Months and years and decades
Are time enough to heal.

The tears that fell upon our cheeks,
Like the flowers now are dry,
Now the sun is shining brightly
In a clear blue springtime sky,
New lovers pick new flowers
And store them fast away,
Pressed between the pages,
To remind them of the day,
When love was more than memory
Like the lovers, life was young
And the days were all in front of them
Their song yet to be sung,
pwl 3/9/16
I used to whisper "I love you"
the moment I knew
you were sound asleep.
No sooner, no later.
That way when you didn't say it back
I at least had somewhat of a logical explanation as to why.
One night I grew anxious, and said it
a little too soon.
And on that night, you showed me how good you were at fake sleeping.
I mean, she gave "faking it" a whole new meaning.
i have no idea
when it started
i've been building
for a while now
year on year
brick on brick
everything sacred
safe and protected
behind the fortress walls

a citadel
for the pure
             the honest
                    the real
locked away
from the risk takers
and the hurtful

safe inside

realising too late
all i will ever see
while the beautiful
and miraculous
pass by
out of reach
Major Tom's a spaceman.
Wing walker.
Space suit.
Mr Fix it.
Out in space.
Station without passing trains.
No sign of tracks.
Earth is dashing.
Flying past.
A blast in space.
Not lost in space.
No flowers or orchestral manoeuvres.
Just dancing in the dark.
Is it true that opposites attract?
She liked fantasy, he liked fact,
She liked green beans, he liked peas,
She liked chicken, he liked cheese,
She liked champagne, he liked port,
She liked lazy, he liked sport.
She liked new cars, he liked wrecks,
She liked cuddling, he liked ***,
She liked cookies, he liked cake,
She liked real and he liked fake.
She liked daytime, he liked night,
She liked to make up, he liked to fight.
She liked sweaters, he liked coats,
She liked airplanes, he liked boats,
She liked poetry, he liked prose,
She liked tulips, but he gave her a rose.
She said, “Stay.”, and he said, “Go.”
He proposed and she said, “NO!"
He left with dignity still in tact -
So much for opposites attract!
Phil Lindsey 1/7/16
Been too serious lately.....................
What if I fell in love
With a broken down *******
Not because I needed to fix him
But simply because I wanted to revel in his beauty
The maddening craziness
Of a life
A life that didn't need to be maintained with perfection
A life where you could just knock down pillars that you didn't need
Destroy friendships that weren't beneficial
A life where one could disown one's own mother
Without the whole neighbourhood offering their tut-tuts
And their 5 cents too many
About how to trim your garden
What if I fell in love with a life
Who let their weeds grow
And created a garden out of thorns
A **** patch that would make those neighbours shriek
What if I fell in love with chaos and disorder
Not to right the tables
Nor to order the shelves
What if I didn't attempt to prune the garden
But I let it grow into a forest
And then laughed when I stepped on a thorn
What if I let the sun shine through the madness
What if I opened my arms to the destruction
What if you sung me a lullaby out of tune
And I asked you to sing it anyways…
Dance around the subject
That's what we'll do
Let's continue to dance around
this elephant in the room

An elegant waltz around an animal so large
Careful not to bump into it
We don't want this monster
The one of me and you at us to charge

So let's continue to dance
Round and round we'll go
The elephant will remain
Until we decide to let it go
She was awfully pretty, and it felt awfully right,
but she was a bird, and he was nothing more then a kite.
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