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Dec 2018 · 258
Captain G Dec 2018
When the days go past,
They are hardly recognized.
While I held steadfast,
Ours were hardly prized.

Yet I took great care and bundled them together,
Warmed them near the fire away from bad weather.
But when I slept you stole them away,
Leaving them outside to die and decay.

All they needed was a little love,
A few small doses would be nice.
Still entangled by your own push and shove,
Not a minute more you would sacrifice.

Dear friend of mine that I still know,
I write to remind you that it snows.
Over the days that were our paradise,
For now they reside underneath the ice.
A small story from me to you.
Dec 2017 · 1.3k
My Lucky Charm
Captain G Dec 2017
We tremble when our favorite team loses,
Or cheer when we see them win.
But its our lucky charms and their uses,
That keep the goosebumps possible on our skin.

Warriors with their totems, chants, and prayers,
Found hope in small possessions.
It pushes them forwards because its theirs,
The luck gives them joyful expressions.

Now for me, I don't find comfort in the moon,
Nor do the stars in the sky grant me glorious power.
Only now have I found my favorite tune,
And it turns out to be a small, little flower.

"Luck isn't real, and never will be",
I'd tell myself, when others had success.
But now, I know the truth and would have to agree,
My lucky charm is you, and I wouldn't have ever guessed.

You turn me around when I go the wrong direction,
Treat me more honestly than anyone would.
I'm overwhelmed when I wake up to hear your affection,
Making me feel honored, as if a man in knighthood.

Four paragraphs doesn't do you justice, but it's better to stop,
And save more for later, since we're both horrid at goodbyes.
Hope you had a good sleep, and don't need one more cough drop.
I love illustrations and imagery, so here's one for the sunrise.

You're the prize at the bottom of a cereal box,
As rare as an alien from outer space.
Independent, beautiful, and as graceful as a fox,
And to my deck of cards, you' are the ace.
Aug 2017 · 532
~Life is living~
Captain G Aug 2017
The only thing I fear in life,
Would be to lose my only smile;
From the world's constant heckling strife,
It puts my emotions into exile.
Closing my eyes only hides whats real,
Tonight's monsters still prowl and haunt;
I cry out to them in my hopeless appeal,
But they won't leave without their want.
To steal my inner happiness,
Reap what spirit lies inside;
Leaving tears of bitter loneliness,
And to see if your joyride died.
Tonight I write to let you know,
Society failed its grasp and left;
Emotions still free, unique, and flow,
My smile still here, and free of theft.
Feb 2017 · 458
Captain G Feb 2017
Saturday evening and it's getting late
You're on your own two feet and smiling
Wishing your friend goodbye as you walk them home
They shut the door and you realize you're alone.

The darkness consumes the sky above
And the chilly wind whispers in your ears
As you start to turn to face the fears
Of the long journey home, it's a night to love.

Walking home you see the trees
They wave back and forward as if saying hello
The night lights in the sky and the street ahead
Make you feel comfortable as you stride forward.

Across the traffic bridge, you gaze over the ledge
Many cars drive by, vanishing underneath you
Taking a seat, feet hanging from the edge
"Can't help but just enjoy the view."
A poem not intended to rhyme, but just to present an evening image
Feb 2017 · 493
Captain G Feb 2017
Below the deck lies not just my crew,
but a boatload of items for me and for you.
     Tremble before it's glittering wealth,
but looking too long is bad for your health.

     Can't say where we're sailing next,
since I'm a fool for any foreign object.
     And ye best watch your tongue on me ship,
or else you'll find yourself taking a dip.

      "Ahoy! Land **!" Shouts the man above,
"Prepare to dock" commands the captain of
     The ship that always sails and that never returns,
but it always carries treasure, and tis be the name it earns.
Oct 2016 · 311
Captain G Oct 2016
A picture can portray a simple word
And words can paint a thousand scenes
But only dreams can display images unheard
That represent your mind's great machines

And the dream I dream't late last night
I remember solely as my favorite type
The one where you feel as free as a kite
I wish all of these I could just swipe

And I wish that I could just postpone
Everything else in life for such small things
Where its me, myself, and my dreams alone
With nothing muting joy that my dream brings
Captain G Oct 2016
I HATE the world, but I LOVE it
I scream in horror, but I lust for it
I feel pain and aches, but I find aid and ease in it
I fall to sickness, but I ascend and enjoy wholesomeness from it
I observe syndromes and disorders, but saw good health and methods because of it
I throw up the world, but I digest it
I raze the world, but I still live on it
I throw away the world, but I recycle it
I find myself furled, but it's my life cycle
And then I remember one thing, this world is a gift from the king.
A gift so unique, an antique, very mystique
I remember it all and have a smile on my face
But I scratch my head and wonder how it became a corrupt place
Like a hammer striking a nail
Or an unexpected card in the mail
I didn't realize I could fail
To point out my very own mistake, I became pale.
I felt like a fool
I felt so cruel
With his blood on my hands
I helped create these badlands
I helped dethrone the king
I married the devil and put on the wedding ring
I sat in my shame
I'm the one to blame...
So I sat down for dinner
Went to bed as a loser, (and not a winner)
Closed my eyes and heard a voice
"God hates sin, but loves the sinner".

— The End —