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 Jan 2018 Brother Jimmy
Jack B
the days bleed
as I do with the moon
cut into shapes
I hold them in my hand with a furrowed brow.

the leaves are falling in slow motion.
the leaves are f a l l i n g  i n  s l o w  m o t i o n

T. Robbins tells of autumn, it breeds the birth of death
so the smell of the birth of death lingers
on the ground, under our bare feet.

when winter passes
the leaves will float back up to the trees
and then death is dying.

the leaves become alive with green
the sun warms winter bones

so the smell of life spreads from the trees to the ground
where I stand dying
in slow motion.
we are all d y i n g  i n  s l o w  m o t i o n
It pours relentlessly
I am drowning in a sea
of my own insufficiency
suffering in silence

I lack courage
to compete with my denial
and sink into the depths
of sorrow
letting it swallow me whole
I will stumble bravely through this pain
embrace its hand firmly and delve into my shame
I am the keeper of every single guilty thought
that taunts my identity and keeps me stuck
I am tormented by memories that consume my mind
This soul has begun purging, I will no longer be blind
My eyes have witnessed many hateful glares
I’ve held back tears of sadness because those closest did not care
They minimized the trauma I had to endure
but this child inside of me has become the cure
Through courage and wisdom my story will be told
And the life I was meant to lead will begin to unfold
She ran across that field with all of her might
That fifteen year old child was running for her life
She came so close to escaping his rage
Just a few more feet would have saved a lifetime of pain
With his forearm choking her he tightened his grip
Screaming in terror as her innocence was stripped
She turned to her mother with desperation in her eyes
But the onlooker just watched ignoring her cries
“Please help me mom, I can’t breathe!!”
She never rescued her, something I still can’t believe
Thirty years later the terror still resides
Betrayal and sadness fester inside
It is time this is written to cleanse my soul
I reclaim my power and the right to be whole
I was drunk when I wrote it

I was sober when I decided
to keep it

and I couldn’t figure out
who was more insane

either way,
I wanted to
break down
every barrier
and disobey
every rule
to poetry
only to
find out

there is no rules
there is no barriers

and my love for the art
has stretched as far as
my intestines untangle
which was the equivalent
to one CVS receipt
 Jan 2018 Brother Jimmy
Something isn't right
I can taste it on your lips
Feel the tremor through my fingers
Resting on your hips

You are scared of me
Scared what I can do
Someone else has hurt you
Now you're scared I'll hurt you too
I will ******, I will torture.
I will see that evil thrives.
I'll reward the men who inlfict pain as
women beg for their lives.

I'll persecute the innocent.
I'll let the children starve.
Whilst good men struggle to provide,
I'll put the crooks in charge.

They say you're good and loving
but I, for one, know the truth.
Mankind could thrive had it not thought
of manifesting you.

So gaze into the pool of judgement.
Take a good long look.
Never before or since
was so much war spawned from a book.

You did not write its chapters,
yet they all still bear your name.
We all are your reflection Jesus.
Hang your head in shame!
This was an entry to a competition asking to write about what one would do as a "Reflection of Jesus" in 2018.
Tear-stained pillow.
Crimson sheets.
A broken heart at rest.
A troubled mind at peace.

Weeping willow,
mighty tree.
No longer bound by your own roots.
Fallen yet free.

As the river takes you on your journey.
The machine that cut you keeps on turning.
We are but single grains in the shifting sands of time.
A flame that burns and fades in the blink of an eye.

I've been waiting for you here.
I'm your protector, have no fear.
My darkness hides you from the demons.
No pain, no anguish. No more reasons to cry those tears.

You lie so still now,
wrapped in velvet sheets.
Photograph clutched to your chest.
Snow-white cheeks.

A smile that never fades.
No furrowed brow.
Those emerald eyes no longer betray you.
All's peaceful now.

Don't grieve for the ones you left behind.
They all will understand in time.
Those who loved you most take comfort that you're free.
Your ever-youthful ghost lives on in memory.

I've been waiting for you here.
I'm your protector, have no fear.
My darkness hides you from the demons.
No pain, no anguish. No more reasons to cry those tears.

Weeping willow,
sacred tree.
No longer bound by your own roots.
Fallen yet free.
For an old friend, lost in time
Many Sleepless nights
Living on empty stomachs
Warlords, Senseless fights
Carrying on daylight murders.

Many young people were killed
Innocent women and children
Wooden box coffins unnailed
As the hopeless masses ran.

Three hundred fifty thousand
Number of innocent souls lost
Unmarked graves in the sand
Why did they die, at what cost?

Rest in peace to mama dear
One of the innocent souls lost
Oh justice, how close or near?
For answers, we need you most!

Power, weapons, money I have not
Spoken words I'll use to demand justice
Until I die, this fight I'll always be about
Mama is the caveat for demanding poetic justice
I will never have another mother again.The woman who gave me life taken by war orchestrated by heartless enjoying power.The only weapon and power I possess is the POWER of spoken words to demand justice for mama.
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