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One day baby...

Years from now …

We will be sitting on our front porch,

Drinking coffee together as the sun  goes down.

Your face full of life

Your hair full of silver

And your eyes full of wisdom.

But even then, I take your hand,

With its wrinkles sewn

With time in mine,

And I kiss it softly

As we silently

Rewind these memories in our minds.

Tears began to form in my eyes

I knew I was a lucky guy

But only then did I truly realize,

The changes we made

And love that we made

With every year that flew by.

It wasn't luck…

It was  a blessing to share this life,

With you by my side…

Then suddenly as one lonely teardrop fell,

I  realized,

Just as our eyes

Watched our children grow and change with time.

We watched ourselves grow and change also,

With each turn of the page in our book of memories....

We had without knowing, wrote a story of passion, love and beauty...

From all the years shared between you and me...

I can  see our love grow deeper as we grow older.

I can see our relationship take shape as each chapter unfolds.

All these  trails we  left behind in the dust

The narrative of our trials and  perseverance,

I watched  our relationship form

How we learned to listen

How we learned to trust

I watched as  our lives became one…

Held within these bindings in our minds.

I  find a reflection of how we came to be us.

The story we had no idea we were writing,

The story of ...Us.
A foreshadow of a memory.
It was raining today just like yesterday and the day before that
It will rain tomorrow just like today and the day after tomorrow

Describing how you feel after 3 am
When everything in the world gets a little darker
Never was and never will be an easy thing to do
Unspoken words en hidden secrets will come out
After 3 am everything in the world is a little different

Some people open their hearts and speak their minds
Others will break down, give themselves more tigerstripes
she speaks with the demons and dances with the angels

In the end it doesn't matter what you do after that
All I care about is that after 3 am you will be still here
And I can hear your heart beat against mine, I can hear you breath

Because everything what happens after 3 am
Will be our secret and if you are still here in the morning
I just need you to know that I couldn’t be more prouder.
sometimes rain gives a soul inspiration.
Whatever happened to the moments
we lived for
the moments we lived from
electrifying lives
currents of passion
high voltage that knew no resistance

what do I have to do?
to feel the surge
to feel the spark
to feel alive again?

Is it in the tomes?
Is it in the songs?
Do the muses hold it in the walls?
Is it inside of me?

Searching for the switch
to send me back to passion
To make me feel charged again
to make me feel in charge again
I remember the first time you Said we will be best friends
I scoffed at the idea me? Having a best friend? No
But you showed that you were I told you my darkest secret
Thinking you would bail after Hearing the awful story….But
No you stayed by my side Sticking to the idea that you
Will be my best friend. You have been there at my good
The bad, and the downward Spiral. You were my lighthouse
In the mist of the storm giving me hope to see the land

Those days where we went mini golfing and me making
Fun of the way you played and beat you on the last hole
Sinking the ball in a hole in one and winning free ice cream
The days when I invaded your study hall, lunch table, locker
Just for a laugh and to see you to do our signature pose
When we went to prom and had a super great time dancing
Picture taking and making memories that stick like paper to glue

I’m hours away, miles apart but I know you will be there no
Matter what. You’re the single most blessed thing to ever
Happen to me. Every night I look at our goofball picture
From homecoming and look at how great high school
Was, but now I’m in college. You are my Un-typical spirited
silly cheerful white girl and  many things have changed but
One thing will never change in my life and I know it
I love my best friend.
People come into your life as
Quickly as they come, never
Staying for long there are
Cases where they do stay,
Your closest friends, your
Best friends, your loved
But others just disappear and
Leave completely, dropping out
Of your life never talking to you
Again, lost connections of how
You became friends, the shared
Stories, secrets, good times
And memories. All you have now
Is seeing random Facebook
Statuses of you with new
Friends or Instagram selfies
With tons of new people
Do you remember us being
If I sent a text, a message
Anything would you answer?
Would you talk to me again?
If I done wrong can I right it?
Can we be friends again?
Or am I just a random Facebook
Status popping on your newsfeed
And nothing else
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