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 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
We drink from rivers we
dance like swans. We
chase the sun and run
in the dead of night. We
collect the best of songs
and get drunk on life.
Jump from planet to
planet. And giggle in
the sun. We are the
dream catchers. We
are the chasers of the
light ~
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
One day that smile will become forced
The sparkle in their eye will disappear
Slowly that laugh will become less frequent
The monster will truly show
For those monsters are not under their bed but in their head
You can’t hide so don’t even try they will find you
You can call them crazy now, just remember
When their monster came out you laughed
Now those monster possess your voice
So next time they try to hold in tears just think
You are what causes them to wake up screaming
You are the voice in their nightmares
You make them slowly lose hope in the world
All I ask is next time ask yourself is it worth it?
If I could write with genius and guile.
I'd write of war and battle.
Surely nothing that would bring a smile.

If I wore clothes with trend and style.
Maybe that's the key.
To landing girls by the pile.

If I could make money all day and night.
I'd be too busy for you.
And to me that doesn't sit right.

If I was poorer than the man on the street.
You'd still be my devotion.
And not this bowl at my feet.

If I loved you once I love you still.
My hearts too big.
Your there like an un-mopped spill.

If I could study dedicated and nerdy.
I'd be happy with my life.
With a career stable and sturdy.

If I could finish everything I start.
Resolute and compelled.
My life wouldn't fall apart.

If I spent more time on things in sight.
I wouldn't have to write.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
the life I lived was like a fairytale

than you came around with your mysterious charms
and decided to make a mess out of things
that weren't even there to begin with

you came in my life and everything changed
colorfull flowers turned into ashes
stars didn't shine like they used to
and suddenly my world revolved around you

I couldn't think about anything else but you
I couldn't dream about anything else but you
I couldn't even breathe

your white blonde hair and black eyes
you always had this kind of speaking that impressed me
he was elegant, he was smart, he was bold, a leader
and all these little things made me fall for him even more

you were evil and everyone could see it
this boy was the king of not showing emotions
he was kinda heartless sometimes, but I didn't mind

he always made feel loved, special
like nobody else excisted for him, it was only me

but sometimes even I didnt know how to handle his demons
everytime the darkness took him over I was afraid of him
and I could see in his eyes that he enjoyed me being scared
he liked having this control over people, it was wrong

this boy was the best yet worst thing that ever happend to me
I found comfort in the way he saw things different

everyday I needed him a little bit more
he was like my personal drug and he knew it
without him he knew I wouldn't survive
he made me need him

and everytime I looked at him I saw a demon
but this kid was so so beautiful, it made me blind
and I still don't know if I should walk away or not

the childeren of lucifer,
the most beautiful of all God's angels
we are so much lovelier when we fall.
I want to hate you so bad, but I can't.
 Apr 2015 Blue Angel
The ring on her finger
Means she is not available
But, really she is
Cuz he's not here anymore

War is the cause of
Her heart is shattered
and her body aches

How is it fair to lose my love?
He was so young
He was so capable
This doesn't make sense

Oh, darling
Love never makes any sense
#poem #sad
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