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  Aug 2019 B D Caissie

by a dying sun,
lovers embraced
the synergy of one.

morph into one …
to the
of the compliant

azure pools reflect
tie-dyed denim sky,
enchanted dreamers
their love with a kiss nearby.

stars confetti
emptiness of space.
as darkness descends,
swallow all of the light’s trace.

pauses …
time seems to stand so still
the depths of their very souls,
they swim.

B D Caissie Aug 2019
The memory of her face you held so dear, has gone away...
That gentle caress that calmed your fears, has gone away...

Heavy onslaught, clouds of cinder made a brume above.  
The stars in the sky that navigate frontiers, have gone away...

Bleach white canvas, metaphorically cleans the slate.
The painted past, the way your brush veers, have gone away...

Empty your pockets, take everything, give it your all.
The energy, desire, the charisma and cheers, have gone away...

Skyscrapers tall, city streets, flashy lights and cars.
Thousands of trees, tranquility, forests for years, have gone away...

Crippling car crash, broken soul, fingers frozen.
Their musical genius, symphony for the ears, have gone away...

I take nothing for granted, for life is far to short.
Countless walls of whom etched “I was here”, have gone away...
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Time has passed since her body gave up the fight. I still visit her grave and yearn for her sight.

I remember her whisper, soon my soul will take flight.
Among all the stars that burn the brightest of white.

So I stand on my rooftop each and every night. Searching for her essence among the twinkling lights.
B D Caissie Aug 2019
You stood high on a deserted precipice, and with a loud voice you proclaimed your love for me. My fear of commitment  left me silent and aloof.
As a result you were left on the edge of nothingness with a lonely echo. Proudly you stood strong and drew a line, vowing never to return.
Now I disparagingly walk this god forsaken landscape, forever reaching for a  mirage that isn’t you. Left with only my shadow of regret.
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Your verbal volcano, ash falls like tainted snow.

You left me staring skyward, grey-streaked tears.

My smothered heart, entrusted to you in escrow.

All your late night exits put on quite a roadshow.

Left alone again in love, what an oxymoron.

Your verbal volcano, ash falls like tainted snow.

I looked for help, there best advice was to lie low.

One look at your broken smile, intoxicating, here we go again.

My smothered heart, entrusted to you in escrow.

This so-called love is a choke hold, will you ever let go.

Your loves a noose, my necks on the line and you're the rope.

Your verbal volcano, ash falls like tainted snow.

Said you love me more than life, but that your dead inside though.

Ironically, only you can save me, heal my soul, set me free.

My smothered heart, entrusted to you in escrow.

You're my bad habit, you're the hurt I'm in love with, who knows.

You shake things up good, but leave me broken inside.
Your verbal volcano, ash falls like tainted snow.

My smothered heart, entrusted to you in escrow.
A villanelle (also known as villanesque)is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain. There are two refrains and two repeating rhymes, with the first and third line of the first tercet repeated alternately until the last stanza, which includes both repeated lines. The villanelle is an example of a fixed verse form.

Not sure if I got it all right. Please let me know if I missed something.
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