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B D Caissie Aug 2019
Don’t you dare look back on pain, those were dark days.
With the winds, the rouge of your heart smouldered.
Your splendour never went out, though it flickered.

Your fortitude sparked a fire in my crimson heart.
You are the glimmer and heat that ignites my flame.
Together we will face the night with our radiance.
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Somehow we  opened each other's hermetic hearts.
Our perspicuous love rippled across the cosmos.
Distancing ourselves from the turpitude of the world.
Hermetic- sealed so as to be air tight. Perspicuous- clearly expressed. Turpitude- depravity,  wickedness, corruption, evilness.
  Aug 2019 B D Caissie
Jim Davis
Clever is she
Sculpting and molding
her time in reality
Twisting a few words
Into a smile or a tear

Dreaming a better place
Without cracked
hearts and minds
Aside from hers
Almost cleaved

Word follows word
moment follows moment
In time or rhyme
Often a jumble
At times sublime

Continually striving
For that poem of
One last word

© 2017 Jim Davis
Poetess poetry poet words time life death
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Bitterness and hate tend to leave a sour taste in one's mouth. I secretly forgive for selfish reasons, for I have tasted it’s sweet freedom.
B D Caissie Aug 2019
Flowers in a field look so lovely.
Flowers in a field how your colours burn so bright.
Flowers in a field with breezes sway so gently.
Flowers in a field reaching skyward craving light.

Wild grasses grow amongst such beauty.
Wild grasses grow to set the balance right.
Wild grasses grow not in awe of what’s around them.
Wild grasses grow knowing they are equals in His sight.
B D Caissie Aug 2019
My heart bleeds maudlin, my mood azure.
The  essence of you lingers pomander.
I miss you still, alone with my tenet.
Maudlin- excessive emotions, azure- colour blue, pomander- mix of aromatic substances, tenet- belief, to be true.
  Aug 2019 B D Caissie
Living deep
Out in my forest
In an attempt
To close my mind
It fail upon
A dark October
In a better
  Vanished time...
When we were young
And life was bolder
I never thought
We'd get older
While recklessly
We lived as if we
  Could never die...
In drones of silence
The heart beats on
Slowly now
As I write my songs
And here I play another solo
   As I turn to face the night...
Traveler Tim

I replayed this
and realize
It's all been
Said before..
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