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 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Zoe Mae
I lay down at night in my bed all alone and my thoughts turn to you
Your bones were worn and your flesh a bit marked, certainly not brand new

And sometimes you creaked as I found my place between your shoulder and your arm
I remember feeling like we were all that exists and that I could never be harmed

Your rhythmic breath soon turned into a roar that rumbled up from the deep
And it comforted me with its familiar sound and lulled me right to sleep

Now as I lay wide eyed on a pillow top that may as well be cement
And crisp new sheets that rough up my skin I wonder where you went

Those days are long gone and I know it's my fault as I toss and turn all night
And a flowering quilt that came out of a box is all that holds me tight
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Connie Lee
You’re so exotic.
He’d stare into my almond eyes,
one lighter than the other
fingers following the tangled waves
that ran down my shoulder blades.

What was exotic?
My father, blue eyed brute,
born into the Los Angeles slums
when the city lights were still
filled by browning fields.

My mother, unbleached hazel,
proud to say she’s been
an American longer,
than ever a refugee.

You should dye it black.
The tangled waves,
hues of coffee and amber
were never good enough.

You should dress more like them.
I’m sorry,
the pink and blue sampot hol
with silk ruffles and mandarin flowers
don’t match my ***** sneakers,
and for the hundredth time,
it’s not a kimono.
No, I don’t know anyone
who works at that massage parlor
with the women in six inch heels
parading around the golden dragon
out in front.

No, my father didn’t rescue
my mother from the nail salon
and what makes you think
I would know anything about
mail order brides.

Television has taught you
that I should be exotic
and neurotic.
Ready to submit
at the snap of your fingers.

Ready to present,
with a geisha’s poise.
You really expect me to respond?
beyond what she has ever known
she holds me past anything
i have every held
she holds me
as she

 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Today you allowed your sinful addiction to win over your life.
Today you let your addiction consume your battles.
Tomorrow you start all over.
No regrets.
Just fulfilling your desires.
One day you lose the girl who fought your battles and killed her dreams silently.
When it's too late you'll realize all she ever did was to make you believe you're much more than a puff.
#broken #whytho
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
 Jan 2018 Leeann Rose
Staring down into its dark abyss
Entangled in its warmth and bitterness.
It soothes my soul and
Makes me feel almost whole.
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